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*Zayn's POV*

I knew she was staring at me. I mean, who could blame her? Surely not me. I actually loved the attention she gave me.

"You know I can see you staring at me?" I questioned lifting my head a little looking at her over my shoulder . I slightly grinned at the sight of Lexi blushing, she quickly turned around trying to avoid eye contact. I could tell that she was embarrassed probably because of the fact that I caught her staring.

I turned back around and dropped my towel and quickly grabbing my boxers and sliding them on . At this point I didn't really care if Lexi saw my... you know.. 'privates', I knew she enjoyed Zayn Jr.

"Someones looking good" I whispered in Lexi's ear creeping up behind her scaring her a bit making her shiver when she felt my hot breath on her neck. "Oh and you do too babe." I smiled at her cheekily as she turned her head to look up at me and scoffed while rolling her eyes.

"Kidding! Kidding! I'm kidding, babe don't worry." I joked, kissing her on the cheek.

I took a good look at us both in the mirror in front of us. "You look great" I whispered in her ear, kissing her again on the cheek.

    She was hot, and I really am lucky to have her as my girl!  The way she did her hair and makeup. She truly was perfect!

"Hey babe?" I asked making my way to the closet on the other side of the room.

"What do you want?" she whined turning around to look at me.

"Can you do my hair for me?" I asked looking back at her rubbing the back of my neck nervously.

"Seriously?" She groaned a little annoyed, she stood up dragging her feet towards me. "You cant do anything by yourself, can you?"

"That's why I need you here" I mumbled wrapping my arms around her curvy body, resting my head on her shoulder. The scent of her lavender shampoo lingering on my nose.

"Fineeee" she groaned. "You're lucky I love you so much" I grinned and let go of her.

"I love you too." I said giving her a cheeky smile.

"Uch!, Just get dressed and I'll get started on your hair." she commanded.

"uh... babe?" I asked turning to look at her. Just by the look on her face, I could tell that she knew what I wanted.

"Not your clothes too Zayn!" She whined.

"please, please pleaaaassseee?" I begged making a puppy face that I knew she couldn't resist.She groaned and dragged her feet towards the closet that we shared. I noticed she picked out my favourite grey denim trousers, that were tight yet not too tight, just the way I knew she liked them, and one of my black dress shirts. Is it sad that she knows my style better than I do? 

"Here!." she commanded throwing my clothes on the bed. "Now get dressed."

I quickly obeyed and got dressed.

"You know sometimes I feel like your mother rather than your girlfriend" she said laying down on the bed behind me, with her legs dangling off the end. Constantly moving her hair to the side so that it didn't get ruined from the position she was laying in.

"Well then.... I love you mummy!" I sang as I cuddled up next to her on the bed, now fully clothed.


"Oh SHUT UP!" I groaned smacking his arm, and not lightly if I might add.

"OW!" he wined rubbing his arm. "Damn You re strong."

I actually was quite strong... When I was about 4 years old, my parents put me in martial arts classes because they wanted me to know how to defend myself. I never really got into fights. I always thaught that it was just a good thing to know. 

 "Can you do my hair now?" he asked sstull rubbing his arm as I got off the bed.

"Go take a seat" I answered pointing towards the empty seat by my vanity table. He patiently sat waiting while I got some hair gel from the bathroom. "quiff?" I asked and he quickly nodded. Trying to change Zayns hairstyle was like teaching and old dog new tricks... He just didn't want to do it.

_ _

"All done!" I exclaimed finally finished styling Zayns perfect quiff. "what do you think?" I asked watching him admire himself in front of the large mirror.

"You did a good job" he grinned looking back up at me. "Thanks babe." he pulled me towards himself, moving me between his legs with his hands on my hips and mine by my sides.

 "I'm lucky." he grinned looking up at me from his spot on the chair. 

"Oh? And why is that?" I questioned raising an eyebrow.

"Because I have a beautiful and amazing girlfriend standing right in front of me whom I love very very much and who im pretty sure loves me back just the same if not more." He responded smiling. I do love him, so very much, and I know that he loves me too. Its moments like this that I completly cherish. Its very rare that Zayn and I have some 'alone' time. We are either with the boys or the boys are with us. Even when Zayn and I managed to sneak away from the rest someone would find us. Not one of the perks of having a famous boyfriend... but like i say... "It is what it is"

"You so sure about that Malik?" I asked bending down to give him a kiss, moving my hands to play with the hairs at the back of his neck.

"Yeah. I'm pretty sure." He grinned once I backed away, pulling me in for another kiss.

"Go get your shoes on and we'll head out" I commanded. He groaned and lifted himself off the seat.

Me being my bossy self I, most of the time, manage to get what I want. Even if they refuse, they change their mind eventually.

Now face to face he leaned forward and whispered in my ear seductively "This isn't over" winked, then walked off, leaving me to take in what just happened.

Damn you period!

"Babe, you ready?" Zayn asked waving his hand in front of my face pulling me out of my little trance.

"What? Oh... yeah.." I answered grabbing my little purse off the vanity table. Catching a quick glance at my wrist watch  I noticed what time it was. "Shit Zayn! We're gonna be late!"

We hurried out the door climbing into the car, Zayn turned the ignition driving off heading towards the club.


"Hey guys!"


Hello everyone!

thank you for reading so far....

Its been two months since Ive last updated... IM SO SORRY!!!

I promise form now on i will try to update for those who read this at least once or twice a week

Thank you guys for reading!

If there are any spelling mistakes or anything at all just tell me! dont be shy!

 lots of love



i know that louis has a tattoo across his chest saying "it is what it is"

i did not get the name of my fanfic from him... i named my fanfic wayyyyy before he ever got that tattoo....

i will somehow incorporate that into my story somehow....


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