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It Is What It Is


*Lexi's POV*

I was sitting at home on my computer, waiting for Zayn to come home from the drug store.

     Whats taking him so long?

"Lex?" I heard Zayn call as he walked through the front door.

"In the living room!"

"Hey" he said walking in taking off his jacket.

"hey" I answered as he came over to give me a kiss.

"Sorry it took so long, there were fans"

there were always fans... everywhere...all the time...

'"Its ok "

"Hey, don't be so sad." he said coming over to sit next to me on the couch, wrapping his arm around me.

"You know I love you, and so will they. Just give them a little bit of time to comprehend the fact that we are happy together and that no matter what they do it will never tear us apart."

Zayn and I have been together for a while, but because he wanted to avoid the hate and all the paparazzi he decided to keep it a secret. Management also preferred we not come out as a couple. I didn't really care, either way I would get to be with my perfect boyfriend. But lately the hate has started to get the me. Zayn knew about it, hes seen me cry about not being good enough for him or pretty enough. He knew just what to say to make all the pain go away. Even though I have been going through the hate so had he, angry fans telling him they didn't approve of us being together. Zayn tried to ignore it as best as he could but i could tell that it was also getting to him as well. All of this hate had been tearing us apart. Zayn and I both knew it was, we just never wanted to admit it.

"Harry texted me before," Zayn said breaking the silence. "He wanted to know if we were in the mood to go out with him and the rest of the boys to a club tonight."

"um sure... what time?" I asked closing my laptop.

"I think he said around 8"

"Ok so then I'm going to take a shower and get ready." I said as I got up from the couch.

"Ok, I'll be up in a minute" he said getting up to get the remote them plopping himself back down on the couch kicking his feet up, then turning on the T.V. I turned around to make my way upstairs when I remembered why i sent him out in the first place.

"Did you get the Advil?" I asked turning back around to face the living room. "Oh, yeah" he said reaching over to his jacket pocket then pulling out the small bottle of pills.

"Here ya go" he said as he tossed me the bottle. I thanked him then turned back around and made my way upstairs, leaving Zayn with his feet kicked up staring blankly at the T.V. set.


As soon as I got upstairs I put my stuff down, stripped, then jumped into the shower. Half way through washing my body I heard Zayn knock on the bathroom door. "You almost done in there?" I heard him ask faintly over the sound of the shower.

"Yeah I'm coming out right now" I answered shutting off the water. "Ok" I heard him say as he leaned up against the door.

I stepped out of the shower, wrapped my towel around my body then unlocked the door only to find Zayn with his back leaned up against the door fame, arms crossed looking down at the floor. I could tell he wasn't happy.

"Hey babe" he said lifting his head giving me the famous Zayn Malik smoulder. He stood up strait and uncrossed his arms, standing tall facing me. Even though Zayn wasn't that much taller than me he was still tall enough to tower over me, making me feel shorter than i actually was. He slowly leaned down leaving a passionate yet gentile kiss on my lips.

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