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Alexis' POV

"Who is it?" I asked concerned. He looked up at me and my heart dropped.

"It's Zayn."

I knew it was just a matter of time before I heard from him again, even though he wasn't calling me. It was Harry he was calling.

"Don't pick it up" I whispered panicking as if Zayn could hear me through the phone, even though Harry hadn't picked it up yet.

"I have to. He's my friend and he doesn't know you're here so don't worry." He whispered back.

"Harry pl--"

"Hey Zayn, what's up?" Harry interrupted me mid sentence, picking up the phone as if he hadn't just seen me crying over what happened between us, in the front seat of his car.

"Don't tel him I'm here" I whispered getting out of my seat attempting to run away. I couldn't bear to hear his voice. To listen to how broken he was. Even though he was the one that called me a slut; I was still the one who cheated on him; with one of his best friends.

I would have made a clean get away, away from Harry and Zayn on the other line, if it wasn't for my clumsy feet. I nearly tripped over one of the chairs by the kitchen table, that I didn't notice was pulled out a bit. Harry shot his head in my direction, his eyes looking as though he was asking if I was okay. I nodded and brushed myself off. 

"What was that?" I heard Zayn almost scream on the other end of the line. Harry and I both panicked but he quickly thought of something.

"Oh no, nothing. Just some girl I picked up at the club, she was leaving and almost tripped. But she's gone now." He said uneasily. Harry sighed in relief and I just watched as he continued his conversation with Zayn. 

Hearing his voice scream over the phone was too much for me. I made my get away and quickly ran up to Harry's room. I sat there alone... Nothing but me and my thoughts.

Zayn's POV

 As soon as I left Lexi there with Liam, I couldn't go home. How could she have actually done that to me? Even if she wasn't the one who started the kiss, when I came out and caught them she seemed pretty into it. Kissing him like she would kiss me. But I knew I couldn't get her back, after everything I said to her. I called her a slut, which she definitely was not! She never dressed in any skimpy clothing, she rarely wore shorts in public. She was anything but a slut. Shes still the amazing and beautiful girl I fell in love with nearly two years ago. But now she's changed.

After driving for what seemed like hours I stopped at a nearby park. It was pretty late so there weren't any kids running around. Walking down the empty path, I saw a few young couples walking past me or sitting on the benches along the path. 

'There it is' I though to myself as I stopped staring at the empty field in front of me. This is where I brought Lexi on our first date; a picnic in the park. That was probably the best memory I've ever had with her... mainly because it was the night of our first kiss. The most beautiful and magical moment ever, I wouldn't change that kiss, for the world.  


"Zayn Stop!" She giggled trying to push me off of her. I had managed to push her down tickling her sides, until she looked like she couldn't breathe any longer. We were sitting in the park having a picnic as our first date, so far it had been perfect. 

I had fixed us up some sandwiches and brought some chocolate covered strawberries along with a picnic blanket and lemonade packed inside a picnic basket. After we found the right spot, we set up the blanket.

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