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"Oh fucking jesus, who the fuck told him to just kiss you?" I rambled my heart out to my best friend on the phone call.

"Oh god, Y/N, your single ass just have no idea how kissing someone really feels like. Plus you know babe I am a play girl duh~"  her voice sassed with attitude and mocking tone, I couldn't help but shudder at this feeling.

"Well atleast i don't get my tongue explore everyone's throat down baby." I managed to say a few words, okay, not few, but enough to shut her up from insulting my single-hood.

Soon i heard a chain of curses and huffed voices from the other line and the phone was hang up on me.

Do i look like i care?
Well yes i do care.

I was coming back from my parent's grave, well its almost night time now, their grave isn't in the city but at the outskirts of seoul, too far away, with my small jobs and a small apartment which barely fits my lifestyle, i am hustling through alot of things all in once.

I know visiting a grave at this time isn't the sane-est thing a sane person will do but, my troubled mind always make its way to the silence of the burial ground, carving the unknown eerie feeling. It's strange, no body knows and i don't intend to tell anyone about it either.

Not a proper job, not a good huge ass money in my bank account,  no friends, no good food surviving on ramen on daily basis; thankfully i do have Sooya, we are fre-nemies, yep.

I can call her out as my best friend, i had no one but a bully known as Sooya who soon as the time goes by turned out to be a great friend and a total freak. She is weird most of the time, okay... 24/7 weird well, and we both have one common thing, dead parents.

Mine died when i was around 8, hers when she was a year old. Atleast i know how my ones looked and talked like, she had no idea about her ones which always makes my heart shatter, though as if god has his own plans, Sooya comes from a prominent rich family and she had her grandparents to take care of her, but unlike her I had no one to rely on.

Just like me, my parents were also orphan, both,  they had no idea how their parents even looked like, so i had no relatives either.

And so the gods abandoned me, or i guess they just forgot me.

Anyways, this is how hoe life is for me.

"Where the hell am I?" I quietly muttered founding myself in front of a rusted iron gate.

A Gate? In the middle of the night? But... i remembered it wasn't their in the day time when i was going...?!?

I thought but soon as if someone was chanting some prayers in my ears, i found myself in front of the gate, a lot closer than before, my fingers brushed against the hardness of the rusted old iron gate, i noticed the red brownish droplets on the gates pointed arrows, i frowned, isn't it blood?

I moved back but as if the world has its own plans...
I found myself being pushed by an unknown force towards the gates. My wrists were held by an unknown force.
And soon
The gates opened itself,  shocking me, terror came across my whole body, my mine chanting the holy bible, my eyes blurred with tears as i felt a soft pull towards the dark lush green forest, i cried when i felt the pull getting alot stronger than before, i wasn't carrying any bag, i feel so unlucky because i always carry my bag, keeping the holy bible and rosemary in it, something which always make me feel safe and less bothered by the thoughts of being all alone.

But tonight wasn't the night i was going to pass like as if it's okay, and it will pass too, because i had no idea how will this whole will turn out for me.

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