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Once upon a time
Their lived a king
A Demon to be precise
Luring in the dark
Trying to find his peace
Ended up with a disease
He got lovesick
Making the whole world freeze
He wasn't the sanest
But the sanity just decreased
When he saw his lover
Claded in alabaster

Author's POV

"How about no clothes at all?"
The same voice she heard a few minutes ago, the same one which sent shivers down her spine, she felt too much chilly as she was pushed by the maids, the man behind her held onto her wrists saving her from falling.

She clutches her heart, calming her beat down, as if telling her brain and heart that everything will be fine soon.

But, a lingerie, a grand chamber which apparently belongs to some huge official of the palace, she is thrown here as a toy for the person who resides in this room.

And now her suspicions came all true, after hearing the same voice and his words shocking her core.

"W-Who.. are you??" She stuttered. Her eyes looked down trying to hide her tears which fell from her eyes like rivers flowing at a high speed.

He chuckled at her pathetic state.

His hand made its way to her waist and the other towards her neck, her whole body wasn't hidden , the fact that her areola and her vagina was the only covered thing except that nothing was hiding her body. Her back was bare, covering only her butt, her front was exposed alot, the environment around her couldn't help but make her feel hot in the chilly room.

The man pulled her by her neck towards his body, catching her off guard, she struggled as his hold on her neck, slightly choking her was making her hiss slightly. Her tears didn't stopped anytime, she silently cried, wanting this man to let her go. But he has his own plans.

"Shh Relax Baby. Lemme do my work" with that his free hand made its way and groped her breast, she felt her body shudder, his huge cold hands palming her breasts, as he lays kisses all down from her cheek to neck. He licks the skin of her nape and snuggled more closer to her, sniffing her hair and scent, she bite her hard, she screamed but he doesn't bulged. She felt his bulge poking her, her eyes drooped down, as if she can fall any time, but he wouldn't let her, he simply bit her again and again, she felt the harshness of his bites turning soft all of a sudden, his other hand explored her breast and other choked her making sure she stays in a good position so he can have access of her neck too.

He pulled himself away from her and made her turn around, she sighed in relief when she felt him pulling himself away but he turned her around swiftly, her eyes widened as she saw the man in front of her.

And as if the world stopped
And as if the world became too silent
The two all alone felt as if their is nothing in the chamber except them
Their voice stucked in their throats

His eyes, Deepest shades of grey, hiding too many scars and secrets, his wolf cut mullet jet black locks shinning, her hands wanted to touch his hair, she wants to ruffle his hair but held the urge inside, knowing fully that the man infront of her has no saint thoughts for her. Her eyes soon realised that he is not wearing any upper garment, his abs were full on display. Her cheeks reddened and she turned around quickly.

He chuckled and then walked slightly, his hands lifted her body in bridal style as she looked at him with pure horror.

Finding herself thrown on his bed gently,  she looked frightened as the man in front of her just smiled at her.

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