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He who was shun by the heavens
May reside in the depths of the unknown
He who was once as firm as the himalayas
May be the one n only sinner the world knows...

Author's POV

One could easily say the way Jungkook was looking everywhere was surely creeping her out. Her house was not majestic, not too much show off but simple and aesthetically pleasing to eyes, the cream colour adoring the walls matching with the golden hues of lights and interior, the house has the vibe of home. The vibe which he hadn't felt since so long.

What was the last time when he had a good rest somewhere, having a proper conversation with someone, enjoying his free time?

Maybe perhaps when he was still in heavens, before he was thrown into hell.

He despised the weakness he had for heavens homely vibe, the aura the whole place had, something he was alot habitual to that it took him alot of time to let all those feelings and memories shut off somewhere in his brain for his good. But now they all are resurfacing again, back once again, because of Y/N.

"You are controlling my brain and emotions right?" She asked him with the hope of getting a positive answer to which the latter simply nodded.

"I am, my beautiful face is enough to control you, your body and your soul" he smirked when he felt the reaction he wanted has regained it's way on her face.

Y/N smiled trying to control her anger, she tried to calm herself down but couldn't.

"Jungkook i-"

"If i was controlling you, you would be beneath me crushed into pieces while i mercilessly fuck your brains out. Stop using that muscle of yours, you have no idea what i truly can do to you but strictly restraining myself to get hard on you or else." His eyes didn't wavered even for a mili second, the way his voice reached her ears, she felt her whole body numbing with the very thoughts of what this man in front of her is actually capable of. He is straining himself thankfully, for god knows what reasons he has, but she is grateful that her dignity isn't getting crushed that easily by this man.

She all could do was give him a weak smile.

"Why you came here? At this hour?" She asked after a while of contemplating that whether is it worth to have a conversation with him or not.

Letting the other side win, she asked him.

"I simply felt the need to let you know that i can come anytime anywhere to you without any reason or notice. Is that okay to you? Is it fine if i come over? I Don't say cringe things like this, i won't be your normal gentle guy looking out for his delicate little girl. I am a dominative man, expect the exact opposite things you have in mind for your ideal partner, because i am not a softie. And atleast not to you" his words left an impact on her scared heart, atleast not to you? Why the hell is he like this? And how the hell he can be a partner to her? she can't even imagine her self beside him let alone the whole fucking future. Twisted, confusing and always leaving her baffled, with thousands of unanswered question torturing her in nights and roaming in her head in days.

This man is clearly devil for a reason.

Y/N'S POV...

I stood up and walked towards the kitchen, its better to do something then letting this man get into my head.

"Do you want some coffee? Or Tea?" I asked him, can't help but let the inner goddess in me ask this devil.

"Well you would be enough. Thank you" he simply stated leaving me sigh. I shook my head and walked towards the kitchen shelf.

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