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Her eyes wandered through the infinite dark
Trying to find the owner of the wrath
Written in those old dusty books
Of that ancient library
All said was

He is a DEVIL
And he loves her a little too much
Might end the worlds
To conquer her heart...


"Oh gosh Y/N, you are hallucinating girl!" Sooya's annoying ass was lecturing me about how i was busily day dreaming about the Demon King of the Vampire Realm i saw in my dreams.

But, even after telling her what i faced, what i saw, my dearest friend decided to lecture me about how hypertensive i am.

Hence their was no purpose for telling her anything anymore if something happens in the future, it shall remain with me only, because this girl will not believe in me in this lifetime.

"Ayo ladies" all of a sudden a familiar voice called both of us, and my eyes wandered to the direction of the voice.

But before i could even look at the person's face, Sooya ran towards the guy and hugged him like a Koala, as if her entire life depends on him. And the guy too reciprocated the hug by lifting her up.

"Namjoon" Sooya's cheerful sweet voice was enough to bleed my ears.

Because Namjoon is-

"Baby I missed you" he snuggled her, making the girl blush, i could sense the new emotion in the air, which was till few days ago foreign to me, now feels too much known.

I could sense the love blooming in the young couple's heart. I smiled as the couple looked at each other with love.

Ahem ahem

I fake coughed, trying to gain their attention but all i heard was how much they missed each other even though few minutes ago Sooya was blabbering about how her cute picnic date yesterday turned out to be another reason why she felt the sudden sexual tension between both of them.

"Guys, i hope i am not invisible" soon their eyes turned towards my direction, both were blushing mess making me chuckle at how cute they were looking.

Namjoon immediately bowed with his hand on Sooya's lower back making her bow with him too, apologising about their behavior.

I laughed when Sooya smacked his head stating why is she the one who needs to apologize to me, because i am her best friend and we don't say sorry's to each other, gifts are our language of sorry's.

"Anyways guy's I got to go, i have an emergency that's why i came here, now it's all solved. I should leave you girls" his dimples showcased as he smiled at us.

He pecked Sooya's temple making me awe the cute interaction.

Now i realised why Sooya liked Namjoon because such a sweetheart he is.

Such a gentleman!

"What's so important Joon" she murmured looking at him. Girl is tryna act cute, i can see her love for him, her eyes shined too brightly.

"I had this urge to get a kiss from my girl, i got that now baby." With that he pecked her lips and left, leaving a statue Sooya.

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