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Author's POV

The sound of birds chirping as the golden sun beamed, shining the entire world with its brightness, the sound of maids talking and whispering to each other could be heard from a mile away, but soon the voices died down as the majestic man made his way towards the King's chambers.

"Entering the Lord Park"

The man with a slight grim look plastered on his face entered the chambers. His aura was nothing usual, his charismatic face was long gone since the news he heard about a human being in the King's chambers. His face darkened at the very thoughts of the possibilities of how the other side of world might end up knowing theirs.

Claded in his royal blue mantle, symbolizing his position in the King's court as one of the lords, he looks ravishing, his black hair combed neatly backwards, showing his head, as his face shined with too much brightness, his whole attire and look always make the entire kingdom's women and men throw themselves on this man.

But the beautiful face hides too many dark sinister thoughts. After all, he is no saint or an angel people call him.

He is a Vampire after all.

His eyes glared at the man who's all awake and as if was patiently waiting for him, already expecting his arrival.  His back was resting on the bed's headboard. His aura was so dark, the beast in front of him was surrounded by slight dark smoke.

"Your majesty"

He sat on his one knee and raised his right hand making a fist, attaching it to his heart, bowing his head completely. 

Greeting the King, with all his respect.

A hum of acknowledgement was what he heard but the king didn't told him to raise his head or stand up.

So simply he was sitting on his one knee, without raising his head and looking at the King.

"What brings you here early in the morning Park?" The King asked with annoyance clearly written in his voice.

Sensing the sudden tone, the man soon apologized to the king and decided to spill some senses in the King's mind.

"Your Majesty, through the maids, i heard that, you brought yourself a young human girl. Is that true Your Majesty?" The man asked with courage.

But the reply was nothing except the King's ammused chuckle.

"I remembered that their is no King known as Park Jimin or no brother of mine known as Park Jimin. Hmmm where the hell did you get these guts Park? To question me like that...?"

Jimin, realising his mistake as he unintentionally triggered the man's sleeping ego, quickly apologized and told him to listen him out once and for fully before coming to any conclusions of his.

"All i know is, Your Majesty is a busy man, hustling always to make sure the world works fine,  the good and bad both can survive without any problem. But my King, this, bringing a human is basically opening our world to the humans. Its a start of the disaster which i can predict may happen in the upcoming future" he raised his concerns with hopeful eyes.

The King's eyes were glued on him and soon he told him to properly stand in front of him.

"Hmm... the reason why i like you so much then the rest of the members of the court is, you think about us, the kingdom and the worlds, unlike all those people i met, you are a good lap dog, an obedient dog who knows the wrath of his master."

His words were like venom to Jimin, but all he could do was simply listen to his master's,  his King's word and take them kindly as if he wasn't thinking about how he wishes to put an end to the darn King's life but of course he can't,  he just couldn't,  because at the end of the day, he knows he was the one at the fault and not the King, he knows the King, he knows the harsh treatment and words are very less, compared to what the King could actually do to him, so all he felt was nothing but grateful to his stars.

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