Chapter 3

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"N-no! No! Noo! I-i! I can't! I!" Mars sobs loudly, clinging onto Atom quickly.

“Okay, okay .. thats okay ..”He tried to console her, wrapping the blanket around her again,“why not?"

"I-i.... I sw-swallowed enough water... I... Dr-drowned" Mars sobs and brings her knees to her chest, burying her face in her arms.

“No, honey .. your fine .. your right here, your safe ..”

He comforted , going over and turning the lamp on. The room got illuminated in the warm light which managed to wake Atom up a bit more.

“Come on .. its okay, it’ll help calm you down and i’ll be right there-”

"Why does this keep happening to me, Atom?!" Mars sobs out to Atom as she lays back down, turning away from Atom.

“Its okay, your probably just stressed .. cmon, lets go for a walk ? Get some fresh air ..?” He offered, trying to think of something to calm her down.

Mars whines and thinks as she slightly nods, "I-i'm sorry.."

“nono, dont be sorry ..” He replied, standing up and holding a hand out for her,“Cmon .. lets go get some air ..”

Mars whines and slowly gets up, walking towards the door. She stops mid way and hurries to her bedside table, quickly grabbing her mask and her holster that carries her ray gun.

He also stood up, looking at her concerned, “you dont need that Mars .." He stated, eyes drifting down to the gun.

“No dracs are gonna be out at this time with this weather ..” Atom grumbles, clearly wanting Maroon to put her Ray gun away.

"J-just in case.. Wh-what if there's rattlesnakes out.. Wh-what if they attack you and I n-need to shot them!" Mars sniffles and rushes to wrap the holster around her thigh.

He stared with a raised eyebrow at her paranoia, “We’re not going out out yknow .. just outside the door, i don't wanna get drenched in rain ..”

"B-but.."Mars gives up and puts down her mask, keeping her gun with her, "I'm still bringing my Ray gun" She huffs and quickly grabs her iconic leather jacket. She walks out of the room in a face pace, fixing her jet black hair.

Atom sighed, walking out with her and through their makeshift house (an old tattoo parlour)

“fine ..”he mumbled , shaking his head.

Mars quickly slips on her jacket. She inhales deeply, getting the fresh scent of rain seeping into the house, "Finally it rains" She mumbles and looks back at Atom.

Atom chuckled, stepping outside but staying under the cover, not wanting to get wet even the tiniest bit. It was pitch black out, and other than the slight shine of the moon, all you could see was the rain. Mars quickly goes to Atom, keeping close to them as she breaths in the fresh air.

Her eyes half open due to the lack of sleep she's been having, "It's so dark..." She mumbles, holding onto Atom's arm.

Maroon observes the dark distance. A felling of  danger washes over her body, "A-atom.. W-we need to go inside. Now" Mars stutters as she clings onto Atom tightly.

Atom Angel stayed put,“You can go inside, I wanna have a smoke first ..” They mumbled in reply, ushering her in.

"N-no.. Please.. We have to get inside right now, Atom" Mars tries to drag Atom inside, keeping her eyes in the distance.

She stares terrified at the dark abyss, gasping loudly, "S-something's W-wrong!"

“your just paranoid Maroon” He excused, grabbing a switch and pulling it on, turning a small hanging light on.

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