Chapter 4

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The next morning came around and Atom got up about an hour before Maroon and was sitting in the kitchen, eating breakfast. Maroon soon wakes up, getting out of bed as she rubs her eyes roughly. She exits her room, stumbling down the hallway.

She yawns and whines, walking to the kitchen, "Atom?" Mars calls out with her rough morning voice

He let's out a hum, letting her know he's there before returning to his power pup. Mars walks into the kitchen and sees Atom, then looking down to the power pup, "Ew, I don't wanna keep eating this shit" Maroon groans, looking around the kitchen.

"It's all we got .."He replied, mouth full.

He scooped the last little bit into his mouth before looking up at her,
"You'll live .."

Mars rolls her eyes, finding a random can of power pup, "When can we get better food?"

"I can catch you a rabbit for dinner or somethin .. i'll go down to tommy chow meins some time this week" He offered.

Mars grins and quickly goes to Atom, hugging him, "Thanks, Atom.." She giggles and looks up at him

"Go get ready okay ? I'll see if we can get you something when we get there"

Mars holds them tighter before putting the can back, running back to her room. She lays a trail of excited laughter behind her.

"Be quick !" he yelled after her, slipping his boots on.

Mars laughs more as she quickly closes her door. She begins to change out of her night clothes as she grabs her acid wash jeans. She slips those on, grabbing a black shirt. She also slips that on and quickly grabs her jacket, putting it on. Mars grabs her holster, wrapping it around her thigh. Her gun stays snug in the pocket. She grabs her mask with multiple stars around it. She slips on her dirty combat boots, running out of the room, "Atom! I'm ready!!"

He stretched and walked out the door, grabbing the keys to the car. He sat in the drivers seat, waiting for her to join him.

"Waitt for meee!!" She giggles, quickly getting into shotgun. She shuts the door and turns to them, "You ready ?"He asked, grinning. He turned the car on and buckling in.

"Mhm!" She smiles, looking down at their seat belt, "Seatbelts are for losers" She grumbles, crossing her arms.

He put the car into park and looked over at her with a sigh, clearly not happy with her choice, "Put it on now. Or you can stay home"

Mars glares her eyes and rolls her eyes, lazily putting on their seatbelt, "There. Happy?" She sarcastically asks, trying to hide her smirk.

Atom nodded and put it into drive, turning on the radio as Dr D's voice echoed through. Mars quickly sits up, leaning close to the radio, listening to Dr. D's voice carefully. He sped up slightly, listening as well .Something about upcoming weather and drac locations throughout the day.

"I love Dr.D" Mars giggles and smiles. She leans back against the seat, humming.

"ya miss him?" He asked, looking over with a grin.

"A lot.." She sighs, looking out of the window.

"Well wont you be happy with me .."
He joked, turning down a familiar off road.

Mars smiles and giggles softly, "Where are we going exactly?" She questions, turning towards Atom.

Atom ignores her question,not wanting to ruin the surprise,"We'll be there in like 5 minutes.. why don't you chuck in your cd mix ?"He offered.

Mars gasps loudly, quickly going through the glove compartment. She pulls out a CD case, taking out the CD that's covered in doodles and colors. She pops it in the radio, she kisses her hand and lays it on the radio, "Love you, Dr. D" The radio cuts off and quickly turns into a Green Day song as Atom chuckles, shaking his head.
"of course .." He tapped his foot to the song, trying to get himself to like it.

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