Chapter 11

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Dr Death pants in dehydrated as he barges into his shack. It was silent but only the faint noises of whimpers and groans. Dr Death searches around and sees next to him, the sight of Atom and Pony's lips connected together. Atom leans Pony more down on the couch as Pony's helmet lays next to them. 

Dr D looks in horror, "What in Destroya's name is going on?!"

Atom's eyes widens as he takes out his ray gun. He aimed towards the entrance, shooting rapidly.

"Hey! Hey!!" Dr death moves away, not wanting to get hit.

Atom stopped, seeing its Dr D and quickly puts his ray gun away. He goes to Dr Death's aid and helps him inside.

"Holy shit, Dr D.. I'm s-so so sorry.. I didn't see that it was you-"

"Oh save it, Atom.. You decide it's a good time to suck face while our child is being tortured and being used?... Show Pony!!"

Dr Death shouts at Pony, "... Why would you show your face to this delinquent?"

"I-i'm sorry, i-i didn't know what I was thinking.. I'm so sorry-"

"Sh-shut it!" Dr Death whispers shouts, looking around

"What if they'll hear.. Dammit Pony, what were you thinking? If they find us, we're ghosted without hesitation.. You can't do this with Atom.. This is forbidden– You can't have sex with this man, Pony"

Atom raises an eyebrow, smirking as he looks over at Pony. Pony giggles and tries to cover their mouth while they stay seated on the couch. Dr Death looks back at Atom and back at Show Pony.

"Oh for fucks sake!!" Dr Death, gasps and looks around in disbelief

"S-sorry, Death... I couldn't help it.."

"How long has this been going on?"

"Um.." Pony looks over at Atom

Atom thinks and shrugs, "Uhh close to a month now"

Dr Death grumbles and shakes his head, "You fag"

Atom's head shoots over at Dr Death, "What the fuck did you say?"

"I said 'You Fag'" Dr Death slowly hisses out the words

Atom glares and charges to Death as Atom grabs onto Death. He picks him up, making him rise off his wheelchair. Death groans in pain as Atom keeps his glare on Death. Pony hurries to the scene, trying to stop Atom.

"Hey hey! Atom stop it!!" Pony tries to pry Atom off Death

"HEY" Atom hisses at Pony, letting his grip tighten on his ray gun

Pony gasps and backs away, "G-get out!! A-atom! Get out!"

Atom let's Dr Death flop back in his chair as his eyes soften on Ponys.


"No! Don't ever call me honey ever again! Leave! Get out of here!.. I knew you weren't a lover.... You're fighter"

Atom whines, hating Ponys hate as hes always use to their love and affection. Pony cries gently as Atom starts to tear up. Atom walked to the door, looking back at Pony. Pony's expression was pure rage and determination, they wanted him to leave but to also stay. They're face also showed sadness and was very sorrowful. Atom hums and leaves out of the shack as Pony rushes to Dr Deaths aid. Atom kicks away sand as they travel away from the independent shack.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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