roomates or smth JAHKJA

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Clarify - This is my first time writing, so don't expect it to be good or anything also if i never make another part, im sorry my computer is weird.

I WONT DRAW SMUT, i dont want to write that type of shit

Last thing, i will update this whenever i have an idea to write bc i might forget to ask for ideas so yeah, anyways enjoy my fantasy


| Poobs POV |

Poob was at their apartment as usual cleaning up after their last party. They always made it an excuse to make one because it was their "birthday". Some of the stuff were also exploded due to players coming to their apartment, but it was very few players which gave some relief to Poob.

Poob was already replacing their tv for the 6th time of today when suddenly their phone vibrated. It was Pest which made Poob happy because he never answered unless Poob was practically begging for a response by spamming on their dms.

Pest - Hey do you have a place to spare?

Poob - ye but wat happened??

Pest - I accidentally let the elevator somehow access my apartment and now people won't stop bothering me

Poob - ohh

iz it okey if i clean my apartment first?? or can u help me, it iz 6:46 rn

Pest - Sure, I'll be there at 7:00

Poob - also y me ,don't u know dat ppl ALWAYS blow up my apartment??

Pest - Im just gonna be at your place for a few days so people can realize Im gone and have no purpose being there

Poob - Ohhh okey

Poob was now excited that Pest was gonna sleepover, or how they viewed it. Poob immediately started working on their apartment again, so they can play games together, if Poob can convince him. 


| me when a time skip has an appearance akjhakjs |

| prob Pest's pov |

Pest was now regretting to go to knock at Poob's door, nevertheless contacting Poob to stay over. Pest didn't have the time to contact the rest though because players were already swarming his room and he only clicked on the top of his dms, which was unfortunately Poob. Pest double checked if he had everything he needed, he figured he would sleep on the couch so they didn't bother to bring a sleeping bag, just a blanket he kept.

Before he knocked at the door, it swung opened and then immediately was greeted by Poob."HIII!!" Poob said with their bright smile that Pest was always annoyed to glare at. Poob wrapped their arms around Pest. Pest jumped but Poob wouldn't let go still. "ur late too! itz 7:24!!" poob whined. "I was trying to get pass the players spraying me and my stuff, ごめん." Pest said.

Pest gently pushed Poob to get inside his apartment, he expected a mess with confetti scattered around every furniture and stuff smashed from the players. Instead he saw a clean apartment with colors only popping off to keep Poob's aesthetic alive, he was somehow astonished Poob was able to do this all by himself even though he has done this dozens of times. "I didn't want u to get stressed out from how much stuff looks liek like a dizaster!" Poob said. "まあ、確かに驚いています" Pest replied.

Poob nudged to put his stuff near a table. Pest set his stuff down and started checking Poob's apartment. "You sure got lots of stuff done before I came.." Pest spoke. "ye i know, i just wanted time to hang out!!" Poob replied.


| idk what to put so time skip appearance part 2??? 🤯🤯 |


It was now 10:23 and Poob took a nap while Pest was watching a horror movie in the dark

Pest suddenly heard a sound from the kitchen and Pest looked back to see Poob who tripped from whatever was in their way. "srry! srry i just woke up and itz pretty dark-" Poob said as they got up. Poob looked at the screen of the tv, "OO, wat movie r u watching?" Poob spoke. Pest decided not to respond and figured he would probably get scared of it easily.

Sometime later, Poob was practically clinging on Pest's hoodie with his hands while shaking from the movie. Poob still wouldn't take Pest's advice to go back to sleep so he had to tolerate their hands pressing and dragging his hoodie by a bit. 

Pest then felt his arm hovering over Poob's shivering body. He hesitated, but his arm still wouldnt go down like orginally. It felt like it had its own mind and it rejected to move to another place.  'なぜ私の腕はこんな風になっているのか、なぜ彼ら以外の誰かにこんなことをするのか...。' Pest thought to himself.

He finally let his arm fall to Poob's back to comfort them from the movie but instead met with Poob's back going up and down instead of shivering seconds ago. Pest checked and Poob was definitely sleeping. Pest sighed and tried to get his shoulder out of Poob's head but his arm wouldn't budge, so it trapped both Pest's arm and shoulder from moving.

It took a bit, but Pest eventually got out of Poob's arm and grabbed his blanket. He came back and put Poob's head back on his shoulder and turned off the tv. He put the blanket around him and Poob, "Goodnight, 




btw 928 words like what

idk if i can make another part so dont expect this to continue unless it can somehow

anyways thanks for reading this :]

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