Roommates part 2 - A Cold Subway

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this prob gonna be shorter cause i dont got a big plot for this one

still gonna leave a warning that one day i might stop making updates to this story if my computer gets weird again so really if i do stop im sorry

anyways enjoy



Pest woke up with the sweet smell of homemade pancakes being made and opened his eyes and realized he has been sleeping on the couch for the past few hours. He still felt tired but his eyes have already gotten used to the bright colors covering the apartment so his eyes didn't really have any excuse to be shut again. He also found out he was hugging a pillow covered in the same pattern as Poob's party hat, which really confused him.

Pest looked up and saw Poob cooking pancakes while humming a tune. Poob finally noticed Pest and placed a 2 plates of pancakes dipped in syrup with butter placed on the top. "gudmorning!!" Poob called cheerfully. "おはよう.." murmured Pest while he was walking to go eat his breakfast. Poob immediately started talking about their dream last night, Pest didn't care but he did listen. 

"so how wuz ur dream?" Poob spoke. "I dont get dreams when I sleep." "WHAT! HOW??? IT MUST B SO BORING WHEN U SLEEP!" Poob immediately yelled. Pest chuckled a bit but then shook his head to not show his laughter.

"Oh yeah, why was there a pillow next to me when I woke up?" Pest asked. "Oh, when i woke up, u were liek hugging me and stuff so i got my pillow to distract u so i can cook breakfast!" Poob said proudly. Pest felt very embarrassed and tried to cover his face with his cap.

"Also, im going to a party today! do u wanna join me, please??" Poob begged while Pest was covering his face. "I'll be able to go to the Subway, but no thanks." Pest replied. "Okey!" Poob said cheerfully with their smile which made Pest smiled successfully.




Pest and Poob was now walking to the Subway. It was somewhat chilly today, Pest wondered why Poob didn't decide to bring their jacket, but he didn't bother them about it. But he did notice Poob shivering a quite bit during their walk.

When they finally arrived at the Subway they sat near a bench and patiently waited for the train. "wait, y r u at the subway again??" Poob asked unexpectedly asked. "Im just waiting for the elevator." Pest answered. "oooohhh"

For a while they talked a bit while they were waiting. Pest noticed Poob was shivering again, but pretended to not care, 'プーブにジャケットを持ってくるように言っておくべきだった' Pest thought to himself. 

Pest unzipped his jacket and put it around Poob's shoulders and arms. Poob suddenly stopped shivering and looked up at Pest while having a confused and delighted look at their face. Pest was already facing away from Poob and covering his face with his collar.

Poob tried to thank Pest for the jacket but their train had now arrived. Poob tried to push the jacket back to Pest but he refused. Poob didn't have time so they rushed to the train. "thank u for the jacket tho!" Poob called out before entering the train.

Pest was reminded by his dream last night. It felt weird to him to have one after years of sleeping in silence and in darkness. It was more colorful, more bright.

It reminded him of Poob, and he wanted it to stay that way.


There was a reason why the first part wasn't anybodys pov lol


anyways thanks for reading, see you next time.. UNLESS??? [no im not teasing next part idk what deas to have, any requests?]

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