roommates - dude idk i forgor

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just wanna say this - THANKS FOR 300+ READS!!! OR IDK WHAT ITS CALLED IM KINDA NEW HERE ALR, omg you guys are so cool like heres a cookie. thank you tho :]

this is prob gonna be shorter than the last one ,so this might become like a partybeetle oneshot or smth but its gonna like follow a story and stuff yeah, NO SMUT THO prob only kisses and cuddling BUT THATS IT

yay now enjoy this


| prob nobody's pov idk |

"I think it's about time I pack up and clean my apartment" Pest announced to Poob. "awhh, we had so much fun thoo" Poob whined. "Yes, but I think people have already destroyed my apartment, and I can't be waiting forever for that be considered an official floor" Pest informed.

"well if it maeks u feel any better, i can prob clean ur apartment for u!" Poob exclaimed, Pest wasnt sure if he could invite Poob to his place, let alone remake it again. He was considering the possibilities if he should or not, but decided to do so because he remembered Poob has cleaned their apartment dozens of times.

Pest grabbed his stuff and Poob grabbed a toolbox covered in small stickers of ballons, stars, party hats, ect. "Is that what you always use to repair your stuff?" Pest asked, "no duh" Poob talked back sarcastically. Pest rolled his eyes and lead Poob to his apartment.



When they finally arrived to Pest's apartment, Poob was suprised to see it was just a normal one with some mild destruction there and there probably from the players. "i thout it wuz gonna b all dirty and full of dirt, cuz yk" Poov chuckled while saying that. Pest guessed it was because of his name, but didn't care.

"Just don't touch anything besides whatever is destroyed." "can u atleast tell me wut u want fixed?" Poob talked back. Pest sighed annoyingly, "Just start by whatever is damaged in the bathroom at the right of the hallway" Pest pointed to the doorway of the bathroom, which Poob followed.

Poob still expected a bathroom with dirt there and there like an ant but instead found a typical nice bathroom. It had a few broken pipes under the sink and shower, but Poob managed to fix it pretty quickly. Poob checked if Pest was even doing anything to have a conversation with him, instead saw him watching tv, 'lazyee' Poob thought.

Pest forgot to mention to Poob to not enter his room. It was obviously kept with secrets lingering in every corner and crack in the room, but Pest knew how curious Poob was but still managed to forget to mention Poob about that.

Poob noticed a door at the end of the hallway. It just gave an ominous and mysterious feeling to Poob, but then they realized. 'could dis b pest's room?? i wonder wut secrets it holds! should i go in tho?' Poob questioned if they should open the grim door. 

[you already know that poob is about be doing a mythbuster]

Poob opened the door quietly to not alarm Pest and found a dark room only illuminated by the sunlight reflected on the windows. Poob noticed something and immediately recognized what it was.

It was a gift basket covered in the same small stickers Poob had everywhere that they owned. It was the same one as a greeting to Pest when he was new to the elevator. It had less candy as before and still the same card Poob had given with the gift basket. Poob wondered why he still kept it, but before they could make any assumptions, their shoulder was pinched by the hands [or claws idk idc] of Pest.

Poob froze and even though they couldve explained what they were doing in his room, they were being dragged out the door. "I- I CAN EXPLAIN! I- I- GOT CURIOUS A- AN-"

"Save it."

"B- But-"

"I said, save it."

Poob tried to meet Pest's eyes and make eye contact, but all they saw was the same fierce red eyes as always. It felt more different this time though, they couldn't think why, but it definitely made the situation feel more tense and ominous.

Pest put Poob outside of the door of his apartment, Poob felt their gut deep. 'did i see wut i wuz not supposed to? wuz the gift basket a bad thing? wut did i do, wut did i do.'

"Your lucky I forgot to tell you to not go in there"

"is dat a bad thing..?"

Pest just sighed annoyingly like always and shut the door infront of Poob. Poob realized that they didn't have their toolbox and started knocking the door and calling Pest for it.

After some time Poob stopped and just went to their apartment. Poob was worried if players went to their apartment again and now they don't have their toolbox with them, Poob would have to wait till they can talk to Pest again to ask for it. Poob felt like a wreck and even felt guilty for even just considering to go into the ominous door. It was just their curiosity that lead this, and now they felt like they can never speak to Pest again for even going there.

Poob just decided to sleep on their couch, they didn't decide to look around to see if anything was destroyed from any potential players who entered. They just wanted to go into their bright colorful dreams again to cool the thoughts.


| bug man pov |

Pest covered their face with their palms and leaned against the same door he dragged Poob out of. Pest was not even sure what he should have felt. Guilt? Rage? Fear? All he was glad at was that Poob only noticed the gift basket sitting there.

Pest just walked over to it and picked up the card handwritten by Poob.

'hello!! i heard that u were new to the elevator so heres a gift basket i made for u :3!! i hope u liek all the candy and stickers i put for you and i hope we get to become rlly gud friends!!

-from ur future friend, poob!!'

He stared at the card, it was the only thing giving color to the room besides the gift basket. He was never sure how to react to the card, he never knew how he should feel towards it. He just stared at the card, contemplating how to feel but never got an answer.

Pest gave up and put the card back to the gift basket and got ready to sleep again.



bro idk how to end a story give ideas- 

still wanna thank yall for over 300 reads, never knew this would blow up i just wanted to share my love for partybeetle! you guys are so cool so awesome like heres a second cookie

also this is my longest actually by like 1139 words like huh-

anyways thanks you guys :]

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