i should rename it, uhh gay date yeah part 6

726 10 49

they aint even livin with eachother thats why lol, yet.. [IDK ACTUALLY RN AHHH]

also wtf 1k? yall are crazy that i am giving 2 more cookies cause yall so cool like whatt.

here is some sk4t3rlight for yall shippers yea [if i did a bad job, mb gang]

alr now enjoy the like 34332928th double date of the year guys wooooo


| Possibly anybodys pov alr idk |


They got ready and boarded the train to get to Reddy's. Poob checked their phone again to see if Lampert and Infected were still going. The train ride was a bit of a distance away but could make it in time, Poob asked to wait there if they arrive first.

Pest let Poob take the window seat and both sat. Pest closed his eyes to get some rest, while Poob kept looking out the window. Poob kept nudging  Pest's arm and when they finally opened their eyes to see what Poob wanted to show, they pointed towards the window and both saw the city.

The city and the sun aligned with its beams of lights being reflected off of the windows. The buildings standing proudly and great and the slight sprinkle of rain reminded them of the spring showers from the clouds above. Cars scattered around covering the streets with their colors and lights and the streetlights being reflected on the small puddles laying on the concrete. It was sure a rare sight to see, like a cliff off the sunset. Poob looked back to see if Pest was also seeing what the outside looked like as of currently.

Pest met Poob's eyes and Poob made a smile that was as bright as the beams of the sunlight. Pest nugged Poob's head playfully, they both smiled back warmly and looked back at the city before the train reached another tunnel.

| are you ready for reddy |

Lampert was the first to arrive, he tried to put on his best clothing and thought it would look nice for their hangout. He was getting a bit impatient though due to how many people were passing by which meant lots of germs. Next to arrive was Infected in his usual attire, and a few minutes later Pest and Poob showed up.

"hi guys!!!" Poob ran up to them with a smile, "Uhm, hey Poob" "W$p P00b". Lampert and Infected both said. Pest soon followed, but stayed quiet. They all went inside and Poob ran to get to the window seat again, The others followed getting seated at a normal pace. They scanned through the menu checking the new breakfast menu Reddy's had gotten.

"ooo they hav pancakes!"

"Don't you know how to cook pancakes?" 

"yea but dis 1 might taste better!!"

They shared small talk around the table and got their orders done and got their drinks.

"0h y34h, P00b, why h4v3nt y0u b33n 1n th3 3l3v4t0r r3c3ntly? l1k3 y0ur 4l4w4ys th3r3 4nd $tuff." Infected asked. "uhhmm.." Poob couldnt come up with an answer, instead another rush of red tint flooded their face. "uhh-", before Poob could respond, the waiter had brought their food out and Poob immediately started eating as to avoid another similar question.

Infected didnt bother to question more because he were already hungry and also started immediately eating their meal. Lampert quietly stared in disgust of how fast they were eating, he pushed himself to the wall, avoiding the other thoughts of how germ-filled the walls were to focus on Infected's eating behavior.

He does admit that it was kinda funny and cute like a dog rushing for their food bowl. And he did know that Infected barely ate yesterday. He still didnt like that there might be crumbs scattered around the table because of how they both ate.

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