roommates - part 5 okokokok

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i put the new forgis on the jeep, i trap until the bloody bottoms underneath-

600+ reads?? thats crazyy yall are so cool for this btw


| either beetle boy or both povs |

The beetle finally woked up from being hungover, they open their eyes only to see Poob's head looking down on him, but still sleeping comfortably. Then he realized he had rested his legs on their thigh's and tried to scramble away. Poob twitched and Pest didn't want to alarm them and layed there while having blush covering their face.

Poob's hand that previously rested on Pest's hair was now laying on his stomach. They started petting their chest slowly, "gud doggy.." Poob sleep talked. Pest got even more red, he had to admit it was a bit comforting. He refused to purr, but his body rejected and Poob smiled warmly while sleeping which made Pest's heart melt.

[This part I explain Pest's crush lore alr, if you did not notice this while reading this, bro how-]

[ngl this reminds me of those like "ANIME BADASS VILLAN LONER" backstories yk]

He had a bad reputation of stealing and combined with his rude and sarcastic replies, nobody really liked him. Nobody in the elevator never wanted to go near him except the players who sprayed him. Except Poob.. Poob was more welcoming than others at the beginning. Even though every npc attended the welcoming party for Pest, Poob was more talkitive around him, the other npcs did their own things while Poob actually wanted to get to know Pest. They were so bubbly, and kind, and actually cared if he enjoyed the party.

He wondered why Poob was always so comfortable around him, sometimes when he looked around, he would see Poob having a sense of sadness in his eyes while having the same grin on his face like always [teaser weaser kinda]. But they were always talking about parties in the past and future, they made it always sound so fun. They can always talk for hours, meanwhile Pest didn't even know how to respond. All he can do was listen, eventually he just fell in love with the voice, it was annoying to know that he did care whenever Poob talked. 

He never knew how to tell what he felt after those conversations, all he was good at responding was with rude comments that he didnt care or those were stupid dreams or parties. He never meant it, but it was always late to apologize yet Poob also didnt care and continued. 

As Pest laying there between Poob's leg, being uncomfortable from the position hes in, but still comfortable, Poob woke up. "oh ur awake now!"

"What am I doing here? Why am I laying on your lap?!" Pest said the last part angrily and confused

"oh u got drunk and yk.." Poob looked up like they refused to say another thing, a tint of red flooded their face. Pest started contemplating more of what happened last night, they never drank, so whatever mistakes happened, did happen.

"uhh anyways wanna get breakfast? I heard Reddy's got a breakfast menu, we even invite our friends if they r willing to go!" Poob said quickly as not to be questioned by last night. "Sure, that sounds nice."

Poob checked their phone to check if anybody was open to the idea, Pest quickly squirmed out of Poob's grasp.



yall alr know your abouta get the 7th billion double date fanfic part of the year

585 words [shortest chapter so far thats crazy]

thanks for punching bricks with me :D

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