My Birthday Present For You - Part 8

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also this is inspired by Luvi_nobody on their oneshot book on the most recent partybeetle part they published [Its called "Party's Jealousy[partybeetle]" incase you cant find it]

thanks for 3k :D!!!! i giv donut yum

also more npc appearances! even tho they gonna be minor but still they gonna show up

anyways yea thats all except that i put the new forgis on the jee-



Today it was actually Poob's birthday. They invited everybody to share their celebration. They felt so excited to celebrate this day with all of the npcs and maybe some players if they can tag along. Even some of the npcs that usually stay on their floors decided to come, it was gonna be such a joyous birthday.

They prepared everything to make this a special party, for them and the npcs. Even with the amount of space the apartment limited, they still wanted to add everything they could. Cakes, Punch, Snacks, Chairs, Entertainment, ect.

Poob practically used all their party supplies to prepare for their party. The living room was stuffed with entertainment to keep the guests engaged, and snacks and drinks were covering all their kitchen counters. Music already blasting the room and the disco ball matching the rhythm with its colors also surrounding the room. Poob really did believe this was gonna be their best party ever like the rest.


| backroom party entity pov |

The party was now filled with almost all the npcs. They all brought gifts for the special party person. Even Crem came with their iconic ice cream to share with the rest. Poob was filled with joy, they couldnt take off their smile no matter what. They were even more happy with the fact that Pest also joined the part, they never went to any social gatherings except the previous one.

Though they were embarrassed of what happened that day, they tried to ignore it and make more happy memories on their birthday. They were at least glad the guests were enjoying the entertainment Poob provided, they joined in all their activities, having fun with each npc they played with.

Suddenly, Poob was shaked with hands on their shoulder.

"P00B WHY D1D Y0U 1NV1T3 UNPL34S4NT??"

"cuz they r my friend duhh"

"TH3Y 4R3 G0NN4 B3 B0TH3R1NG M3 4LL N1GHT!"

"i cant just kick out smby, its rud but mayb next time i wont for ur sake"

"G00d, 1 d0nt w4nn4 b3 4r0und 4 c4t 34t3r 4g41n. 3SP3C14LLY TH3 0N3 WH0 4T3 MY C4T!"

Infected looked at Unpleasant while saying the last part of the sentence. They looked at them back with a bit of a smug look that Poob guessed meant "Im going to terrorize you forever and you cant do anything about that"

"4ND TH3R3 Y0U G0 4G41N W1TH TH4T L00K!" Infected shouted across the room, nobody noticed thankfully because of the music and the guests distracted with talking and playing. Unpleasant stuck out their tongue slyly like they were teasing Infected. "0H Y0U B1-" Infected ran towards Unpleasant looking like they were about to have a fight [FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT], but couldnt because the crowd shifted to dance with the music.

Poob felt somewhat worried that their party might be ruined in a disaster. They wanted all the guests to get along for one time, 'mayb i shouldnt hav invited them..' Poob kept thinking. Again, Poob heard a shouting somewhere around the room. "Move it, brick boy!" Poob heard in the distance along with the music.

"You literally just walked into me."

"And I thought you can notice me well with that height of yours!"

Poob realized it was Wallter and Mark, arguing as usual. They knew that they shouldnt have invited people who would argue easily by any inconvenience, but their only excuse was that 'they r my friens!'.

They started to tear up. They didnt want to end their party in disaster, especially on their birthday party. They also felt very embarrassed to just cry on what meant to be the happiest and best birthday.

Poob covered their face with their sleeves, and ran to their room. The door shutting alarmed a few guests and looked at the door. They shared a few whispers, but they didnt bother to check on them. But Pest was concerned, they walked up to the door, trying to match with the crowd to not seem like he was doing something off character.

They noticed the door was locked and unlocked it with a hairpin he kept to unlock doors. He opened the door slowly and noticed Poob sitting on the edge of their bed, stuffing their pillow on their face to cover their tears. Pest didnt know how to comfort people, but he knew he had to try calm Poob down.

"Uhmm, are you ok?" Pest tried to say in their most 'non-threatening' voice. Poob just shook their head, still sobbing on their pillow. Pest was about to say something else but Poob spoke, "i shuldnt hav hosted dis party, sum of them r fighting.." they managed to speak out while sniffing. "Arent they your friends?" "yes but sum of them arent.." Poob answered still sniffing.

"Hey if it makes you feel any better, i brought you a gift." Pest said trying to make it sound like a surprise. Poob gasped, "rlly??! where!" it seemed to almost take away all of the tears built up on their eyes.

"Right here." Pest laid a kiss on Poob's cheek that immediately got red. Poob tried to speak but it came with stutters. Pest chuckled at the sight of Poob's face who was blankly staring into nothingness like last time. Poob was just staring into the pillow, their mind rushing with thoughts just like last time. Their fingers clutched the wet pillow that once held their tears.

"Happy birthday." Pest snickered with a sly smile, "c- c- can u tell me wut d- dus d- dat mean..?" Poob questioned still with a rosy red covering their face. They didn't know how to tell Pest what they actually felt, or even sure if he liked them back. Yes they knew what Pest was doing all the way back when he first arrived to the elevator, but what if he was just playing with their feelings?

Pest chuckled like a villan [picture like they havent found the like answer to a puzzle or smth], "It means I love you, you Idiot." Pest said slyly then nugged Poob's head playfully, shifting their party hat by a bit. Poob fixed their party hat and hugged Pest with a smile. 

"i luv u too" muffled Poob.

When they got back to the party, Poob guessed it was pretty late so they decided it was time to cut the cake. [yes i know poob doesnt like cake but like they dont need to eat it] Everybody gathered around the table holding the bright, stared cake. "Say Cheese!" Said Split rushing back the others to get a group photo. When they checked the photo, they noticed Pest decided to be in the photo.

"Its rare to see you in social gatherings, did something change in there Pest?" Questioned one.

"Maybe, just maybe." Pest looked at Poob and both smiled at eachother.


guys you can guess what just has been confirmed.. you can only guess idc

if like the parts slow down like when they get posted, its bc of this cause idk how to develop this further so please DROP YOUR THOUGHST DOWN THE COCMNEETS SECTIONS ISKLS

1253 words thats crazy

anyways thanks for reciting the abcs with me :D

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