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|𝑬𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒚 𝒂𝒄𝒕 𝒐𝒇 𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒊𝒔 𝒇𝒊𝒓𝒔𝒕 𝒂𝒏 𝒂𝒄𝒕 𝒐𝒇 𝒅𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒖𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏.|

The sight of the [h/c] male on the floor, wheezing, bruised and beaten close to a pulp was truly a terrifying one.

Shortly after his encounter with Toji. He had gotten a call from his father.

He later regretted picking up the call, now currently trying to crawl away from his parental figure as he fought to take in any air.

He had been called for a 'training', which wasn't that odd but when he had arrived at his home, his father had been waiting for him, wasting no time to pull the younger male through physical torture which he would be able to pass off as 'training'.

It was hard to properly use his CT, not being given a single window of opportunity to even activate it all while his father screamed profanities and criticisms.

He felt his lungs being crushed as he got kicked in the chest. This was going to far, way too far to even be considered training, and both of them knew that. Yet he didn't understand what he did wrong to deserve this.

What did he do?

Why was it his fault.



He could see his mother's pained expression but it was also mixed with disappointment. Oh how he hated that. He wished he could make his mother proud. To make her happy to have him as a son, for her to be proud of him.

That didn't seem to be happening any time soon.

He felt a weird sensation bubbling into his chest. It felt hot, a burning sensation that just kept on building up.

Oh how he missed Suguru...

The possibility of the other male still being alive and breathing only seemed to diminish by the hour.

Suguru was the last thought on his mind before he completely blacked out, that new found sensation that had been building up slowly faded away along with his consciousness.


That's the first thing that courses through his body when he wakes up. He stings everywhere. All over his body. It aches and his head just feels like he might explode.

His body was thrown in his room. The one in his parents home that he'd grown to hate with its bland colors and terrifying memories in every wall.

Bruises and cuts littered over his skin, so many new ones and a few old ones.

He groaned in pain as he attempted to pick himself off the ground. Yet every movement further placed his body in an aching state.

His [h/c] messily sticking out, his [e/c] scanning the room with a sense of agony, his rigid breathing, it all made his anger build up.

His eyes caught the mirror in the corner. Almost as if his body went on autopilot, his hands went to grab a nearby chair.

In a split second, he had launched the chair towards the mirror, glass shards splattering everywhere. His mind had blocked out the pain factor, not feeling anything but a tingly feeling across his body.

His hands went over to grab the small bed next to him, flipping it over. The pillows fell to the ground as the mattress flipped over, the bed frame being tossed around like it was weightless.

Without knowing, he unconsciously activated his CT. Blue flames soon started to grow, spreading to curtains, then to pillows.

With no regard to what it engulfed next, the flames quickly spread, and the younger male's anger only grew greater.

The beautiful creation that was his flames had been used for destruction and sorrow. Despite this, they still shined so brightly and beautifully as they teared down everything that crosses its endless path of torment.

A drawer sat neatly in a different corner, it's contents being old traditional clothes from his childhood. One's that he was forced to wear. One's that he thought were ridiculous and he'd never be caught dead wearing them outside his home.

Yet those clothes only seem to be more fuel to the already large fire.

He rubbed his vocal cords together, letting out a loud scream. His feet had made contact with the glass shards from the mirror yet he paid no mind to them, nor to the wounds which seemed to be reopening.

As he kept destroying his room, creating chaos and disorder, he had failed to hear his door creaking open. And on the other side of it was his mother.

Her sad tired eyes bore into the madness that was his room. Those same eyes widened in horror when she happened to catch a glimpse of the few drops of blood that stained the floor.

She quickly ran in, throwing her body over to her son, crying, begging, everything she could muster so she could get the attention of the younger man.

In her eyes, this was in close resemblance to a tantrum. One that could've been avoided if he had listened to his father, she thought.

In his eyes, this showed his descendants into madness. How he was slowly losing his sanity to the point of no return.

And it felt pleasant.

Her warm embrace that once comforted him now felt so cold and empty. Still, he played along and calmed down, leaning his head towards hers as he slowed down his breathing.

The pain was still not registering and it did seem quite concerning yet he paid no mind to it.

The flames soon disappeared into thin air, leaving its displays of destruction behind. One of these displays was his hands.

A large burn on his right arm, not as nasty or deep but still very visible and very sensitive. Yet he didn't flinch when his mother trailed her soft, delicate hands over it.

With his room in utter disarray and he himself in poor condition, he closed his eyes, letting his mother run her dainty hands through his hair, providing false comfort.

He was very well aware about fake attempt his mother had offered, but in this moment, he didn't care, he fully let himself be lied to.

His body was starting to go limp, tears developing in his eyes, not being able to hold them back he just let them out, crying into his mother's shoulder while she joined in.

Both delicate and fragile souls attempting to be stronger for the other, yet failing miserably.

He was far from okay. Nothing could fix him. No one could help him.

His mind was too far to be saved.

He was too far to be saved.

He was alone.

Meanwhile, another soul was being crushed and destroyed, one that would soon walk the path that led into darkness.

Happy Easter y'all.

This song honestly hits so fucking hard, and I'm glad I was able to use it.

Story line is kinda being pieced together so bare with me.

It's not perfect but hey, I didn't ask and I hope you don't care enough to ask.

I really hope y'all are enjoying these chapters because I'm actually putting in effort into them and it may not be draining but it is awarding to know that people enjoy this.

That might be an ego boost but let's ignore that.

Anyways, like always, thanks for reading, I truly appreciate those who take time out of their day to read this story that I work hard to make interesting for you guys so thanks.

And once again, I'll see you next time.


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