|𝚂𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚜𝚝𝚞𝚙𝚒𝚍|

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|𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒈 𝒎𝒆𝒏'𝒔 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝒍𝒊𝒆𝒔 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒕𝒓𝒖𝒍𝒚 𝒊𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒊𝒓 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒔, 𝒃𝒖𝒕 𝒊𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒊𝒓 𝒆𝒚𝒆𝒔.|

The moons florescent light shining down and illuminating two lost souls that find solace in each others embrace. Two adolescent teens, their love somehow never being more pure and young as it is in this present moment. Purple eyes shinning brightly, full of worry but also full of comfort, another pair of [e/c] staring back with just as much emotion, reciprocating the intensity.

The world had not yet found a way to separate these two fools in love. They share this hug as if it were their last, as if either one would disappear into thin air if they let go. The world was cruel to them one to many times, yet, here in each others arms, they were grateful that they were still standing in the same soil, breathing the same air but in different paces.

Finally breaking their much needed silence, the [h/c] spoke up in a soft voice, almost as if he was afraid to scare of the other male if he spoke too loud.

"I feel like I've been waiting in a long line to finally have you here with me.." He joked, yet Suguru quickly argued back.

"I felt it was the other way around. I came home and you were no where to be seen. It was hard to request an audience with your majesty." He poked a light jab at the other male, finally breaking their hug despite both parties being reluctant to do so.

Both teens were outside [Y/N]s dorm, hoping no one else would awake and drift their attention away from each other. A sudden movement caught Suguru off by surprise but before he could think rationally, he was being pulled into the dark room, his faced started to heat up as he realized that he was intertwining hands with the other boy. The door closed behind them silently to not create much commotion and they both started to walk straight ahead to the large window in the dorm. The [h/c] boy opened the door rather slowly, being cations with the sound he made.

Once outside, both boys sat down on the grass. The air was refreshing but not cold enough for either of them to shiver. Despite this, they longed for each others warmth, their body heat seeming so promising as they scooted next to one another, trying not to be too obvious with them but in the end they ended up looking like two preschoolers trying to hold hands for the first time.

They finally make eye contact, as it seemed like they tried to avoid it to no avail, they both admire each other under the small amount of light the moon provided for them, the dark doing no justice as it covered most of their features yet they themselves knew each and every detail o the others face that they could name them by memory.

Despite their very obviously sweaty hands, neither made the effort to break away from their hand holding moment. No words needed to be said as they knew what they wanted to say by just looking at each other, as cringe as it may be.

So many thoughts ran through a certain [h/c] boy, so many, yet one reoccurring thought was, believe it or not, about Suguru. They had both shared many moment together and he kept remembering every single one. It felt so euphoric to be near someone as amazing as Suguru. It was no surprise when he found himself repeating the words 'I love you' in his mind when anything remotely about Suguru came to mind.

He was soon brought out of his train of thought when he saw Suguru's eyes widen, the black haired male moved his hand away, leaving the other boy wondering what went wrong. He felt stupid as he worriedly tried to ask Suguru what was wrong, only to see the small disappointment in those beautiful purple eyes, the same look his mother would give him when he looked so vulnerable and weak in front of her.

He froze when he realized that he had blurted the three letter word he had been thinking of. He panicked as he tried to explain himself to Suguru, feeling like he ruined their moment by saying something stupid.

He could see it in those purple hues, the same old story, he could see that those words didn't mean a thing to Suguru. I mean he was handsome enough, there was without a doubt, a line of women and men alike who loosely throw those words around to him. Yet he couldn't help but feel a bit of anger, not towards Suguru, but himself. How was he able to say those words when he had no right?

And though it felt like just a cliche line to Suguru, it had never felt so right for him to say before. He couldn't say that he practice the way he would say those three words to the black haired male, he didn't wait until the right time, nor did he even plan this out. It was in the moment and that's what made this moment so raw and vulnerable, and he understood if that was too much for Suguru, the last thing he wanted to do was make the other male uncomfortable.

But the time couldn't have felt so right. Them being alone in this peaceful night, side by side, being so comfortable in their presence, the way Suguru's scent fills his senses to the point where he can't think rationally. The stars feel like they would just fall down for them, the night being so blue and dark, it felt, right.

Yet he was unsure if Suguru felt the same way he did, if they were on the same page, if Suguru even wanted to hear this. He hated not being able to read the other male but that was also one of his many charms. It at felt so surreal yet stupid.

"I didn't mean to....I'm sorry, I...." He looked away in shame, feeling childish as a few tears threaten to fall. Though nothing could prepare him for the loud commotion that happened behind them. Both boys turned to look over, seeing Satoru and Ieiri on the door frame.

Panic was shot through both of them as they quickly moved away from each other as one avoided eye contact with the black haired male, but he did manage to catch a glimpse of Suguru opening his mouth, maybe trying to say something before they had been interrupted.

He was quick to throw everyone out of his dorm, pushing both the duo that had busted into his dorm without permission, but when he went to drag Suguru, he had hesitated to even lay a hand on him, to which Ieiri magically read the room, puling the black haired boy out so he could finally closed his doors.


He ruined whatever he had going with Suguru and he felt absolutely destroyed. Normal teens go through heartbreaks every day, one love perishing shouldn't feel like his world was crumbling down, or maybe it was, he didn't really know since this was the first person he had ever genuinely loved.

As if this wasn't enough torment, he felt a shiver run down his spine, his phone buzzing in his pocket as he already knew who had texted him, especially at this hour. He didn't even have to check the message, just accepting his fate as he walked out of his dorm, walking silently out of the district as he made his way to some black car. He got in, sighing softly as it started to head to his fathers home.

What would be of him.

I love this song so much and like the title suggest, this was the inspo for this story.

I absolutely hated this trend because it was devastating and yes I realized I'm a dork for this but I don't care.

Anyways Frank Sinatra is so good, and I don't appreciate his music enough so yeah.

I will be very busy next week but I will try my best to upload like always, but please bare with me if the chapter is smaller than the rest.

That's all for now, like always,

I'll see you next time.


Something Stupid (Like I love you) [Geto Suguru x Male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now