|𝙾𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚎|

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|𝑰𝒇 𝑰 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒔𝒆𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖,
𝑶𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒔𝒆𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖|

A fake memory replayed over and over in his mind. Not being able to get rid of it, he continued to let it play.

His hands went up to grasp something that wasn't there. Something that was only a figment of his imagination.

As much as he had heard how crying isn't for men like him, his status and caliber would not be fit to be swayed by such emotions.

He couldn't bare.

His soul was slowly being crushed. Not that he really knew it.

It had sparked a fire. A bright flame when he was around his friends, and it even burned brighter when he was with...Suguru. But that flame was slowly being burnt out the longer he breathed.

The cruel world didn't go easy on him. Over and over it tested his will to move on. He was doomed the second he took his first breath.

He closed his eyes as he imagined a better future. One where he was a nobody, along with Suguru. They wouldn't have to worry about reputations or anything that had little to no importance to them.

Yet the world refused to be kind to both broken souls.

While one was struggling to find his worth, the other was soon losing his.

Suguru looked down at Riko. Her body slowly losing its warmth and life as blood escaped from her bullet wound.

The world just wouldn't give him a break.

He looked up at the mysterious male. Anger bubbling as his eyes trailed over to the gun he had.

Why was he here? Where was Satoru? Why is this man still alive? Who was he? Who was he to take her life just like that?

Almost as if his thoughts were read, the older man responded, yet it all didn't fully register into Suguru's brain.

His mind did happen to catch a few words, and he had really regretted that it did.

Satoru was defeated.

Satoru? He was defeated? No that can't be! Who was this lowlife to claim the life of not only Satoru, but Riko?!

His body soon froze when he heard a familiar name slip out of the man in front of him.

"Wait. Do you know..." He had asked, tho Suguru blocked out the name, hating the way it rolled off the Hobo's mouth like that. He had no right to even speak of that name.

"Keep his name out of your mouth." Suguru spat out. He didn't even bother asking how the older man even knew the [h/c] male like that, but it didn't matter, he was blinded by rage and no thoughts made sense through his mind.

Without thinking, he had unleashed curses to attack the homeless man, not wanting to continue the conversation, but his mind soon blanked out, fighting on instinct as his vision blurred.

Once he came back to his senses, he winced in pain, noticing the large 'x' that adorned his chest, the cut didn't seem too deep but it was deep enough to cause him breathing problems.

With the urge to stay alive and not bleed to death, he stayed still, watching the hobo pick up the young girl with his dirty hands.

His mind went back to the moment she had a few tears on her face, wanting nothing more than to just live, only for some m̶̶o̶̶n̶̶k̶̶e̶̶y̶ creep to put a bullet through her skull.

How cruel the world could be to someone so innocent.

He could feel his vision start to blur, his breath becoming hitched as he tried his best to not close his eyes.

He had promised the [e/c] male that he would return safe, yet he felt guilty for not being able to meet that promise.

Oh how he wished he could stare into those beautiful eyes once more. He attempted to say the name once again, but his throat was too dry and weak to spill any words or even sounds.

A small tear spilled from his eyes as he passed out. Not being able to protect those who really needed it nor being able to keep a promise to the one he loved.

How cruel.

[e/c] hastily moved in every direction, attempting to make sense of where he was. They soon stayed still as they made contact with a limp body on the ground.

No sound came out of the [h/c] male as he moved his body towards once that closely resembled Suguru's, only to realized he had yet to move an inch.

No matter how much he tried to move, his body wouldn't budge. His body froze in fear and he panicked, sweat dripping down his face as he cried out for the black haired male whose lifeless body was displayed on the ground.

He could feel his voice getting strained on how loud he was screaming, yet he didn't care, he couldn't care because the love of his life was currently bleeding out, looking like death itself was minutes away from taking him.

His eyes were wet with tears, attempting to reach out, to no avail.

He felt his heart break, their connection soon fading. He was no longer able to feel the presence of Suguru.

Once connected souls slowly losing their way, drifting farther apart from each other as they so desperately attempt to orbit closer to each other.

The [h/c] male felt a tug on his back, the harsh pull woke him up, his body falling from his bed, his head making contact with the floor with a loud bang. This however was the least of his concerns.

He had a very vivid dream of Suguru on the verge of death, no way in hell was a small concussion in any way more important.

What felt even worse was that he couldn't do anything. He couldn't interfere with this mission, nor did he even know what was happening. He had attempted to call Suguru only to be sent to voicemail, same with Satoru. Even Nanami and Haibara were unreachable.

He felt like pulling out his hair. He was a sitting duck, he was as useful as a dead man.

The door to his room opened, he felt his heart flutter in hopes to find a familiar face on the other side, yet he was instead greeted by his father.

He was reminded how he was not in his dorm, but instead in his father's home.

The world was cruel.

It worked in mysterious ways.

As much as he loved destiny by forging his and Suguru's path together, he hated it for diverging it.

This night would be a sleepless one. Not that the nightmare he currently had would allow him to sleep again, so practicing as this hour was an option, but it didn't quite feel like one when his father stared down at him from the doorframe.

This world was cruel, and no matter how many things he could do to write his own story, it would always revert back to his path which was already decided for him.



I had an idea and it like, went away so I apologize if this chapter sucks.

I'm starting to realize that my grammar is as good as a 5th grader and uh I don't really care enough to fix it so.

Anyways I hope you enjoyed this, am I a poet? No. Will I try to write like one? Also no. Is this very poem? Yes.

Thanks for reading, I truly appreciate that you spend time reading this and I hope it isn't disappointing.

Once again, like always..

I'll see you next time.

Take care


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