|𝚃𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚎, 𝙸 𝚊𝚖|

93 5 0

|𝑰 𝒂𝒎.|

TW: death, religious topics (again), depiction of death? Being burned alive..
Please read at your own discretion.


A disgusting disease that plagued nature with its very existence.

Many worship a god.

Many hide behind their so-called "god". They excused their actions behind the religion they so blindly follow, as if that will excuse everything they've done.

But as many prayed and begged and feared for their own lives, they were many who threw them away for that very same God.

There were many who threw themselves at his mercy.

In that very moment, when his mother's lifeless body dropped across his arms, he felt the very last bit of humanity leave his body.

No longer was he a son, no longer was he a friend, no longer was he a l̶̶o̶̶v̶̶e̶̶r̶, no, he was a god.

Nothing else mattered.

He was done waiting for fate and destiny to deal with justice. If he didn't do anything about it, no one would.

If any other god refused to make this right, he would just have to take justice into his own hands.

He could not be stopped, no mortal nor God would stand in his way as he ripped and teared apart the world in front of him with his bare hands, just like how the world took from him.

He didn't need no God in his side.


He was god.

No one would dare cross him with his status.

His morals and the line he would cross were slowly starting to fade and bend as he seemed to be losing his mind the longer he breathed.

It was all that man's fault. If it we're for him, he would still have his mother. That poor woman wasn't the best of mother's, but she was an amazing woman, and it was all that man's fault that she couldn't provide the best for her own kid.

That didn't seem to matter anymore.

He stood up, letting the dead body softly hit the ground, despite the urgency to get up quickly, he still handled his mother with such care, because she deserved it.

No humanity could be reflected upon those dead eyes, only hatred and bitterness.

The older man, who was currently walking away from the unstable kid of his who only seemed to be getting closer to him, happened to feel a shortness of breath.

The room they were in suddenly felt suffocating. No oxygen was entering the room, and while the older male made a mental note about this, he couldn't help to take large breaths in, wasting much more than he needed.

He couldn't understand why his body felt like it was shrinking. His inside were losing fluid loss, therefore causing the shrinkage. The pain felt excruciating and it only seemed to be dragging out.

The title of 'father' was one he wore with pride. Producing the heir of his clan with the great blue flames, it only seemed to get better for him, yet he couldn't see his son's life play out in full as he was being slowly killed by the one he swore would take him to the top.

Now here he was, gasping for air, falling to his knees as his skin burned to a great extent. It felt like a bad sunburn, one that would hurt when applied any pressure. He thrashed as he tried to rip off the clothes that were only heightening his pain factor.

His vision blurred as he tried to look up, seeing those piercing [e/c] eyes staring at him. Despite all of this, he didn't let his pride be trampled like this. He didn't beg for forgiveness, he didn't beg for mercy, he only cried out in pain as he body kept burning.

"The flames will soon burn your nerves, then the pain will soon stop." The [h/c] that messily crapped over the younger male that was standing in front of the soon to be dead man only seemed to get closer, not wanting to place any distance between them.

"You don't deserve any mercy." Without warning, he kicked the older male in pain, causing him to wheeze out, feeling like his head was about to explode, literally.

He hadn't noticed that his son had activated his CT. But once he did, his eyes felt memorized by such power. Like a moth to a flame, he wanted to get closer, reaching out his hand to bathe in the euphoria that was those blue flames that started all of this.

[Y/N] stared at the burnt body, the flames on his hands not dying down, not putting out, not burning out but causing incredible damage to its holder. Yet despite this, he only looked down, not caring how much it actually harmed his body.

The flames on the body quickly spread, and in less than a minute, the room around him was in flames. Curtains, bedsheets, drawers, everything was engulfed in flames, all but one.

The flames seemed to avoid one body, circling around it as it ate up everything in its way except the body.

Those dull [e/c] eyes followed the door, as he moved completely on autopilot, he walked outside, the moon being the only source of light, but soon it fought as the flames grew in size, lighting up more than the moon ever could.

The world needed to be cleaned of its sin. It's impurity. Those who stained with their wretched ideals would be cursed. The will face judgement.

He was no savior.

He would bring down all of those who stood against him, all those who were impure.

They would all be dragged down.

Over an over, in his head, he repeated one phrase.

I am.

I'm sorry for not publishing for 2 weeks straight. I got sick and I was incredibly busy. I know, I have a life outside of the Internet, shocking.

Nah I'm js playin'.

I did have writers block and I couldn't think of how to write this so I really hope it isn't as shitty, it's 12 am and I have school in like 8 or 9 hours so yeah.

I also saw that a lot of you are reading this and holy shit I never thought anyone would ever find this shit interesting, so thank you for reading, yeah you, thank you.

I don't have anything else to say so um yeah, like always,

I'll see you next time


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