Chapter 12

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Seokjin p.o.v

Five days. It's been five days for me since I confessed Jungkook. Five days since Taehyung left us with a threat which still lingered inside my mind like a mantra. 

I made a phone call to Jung Hoseok, my grandma's lawyer a few days ago to inform him about the changes I wanted to make in the inheritance. He didn't sound surprised though but he insisted on doing the paperwork in person. I groaned and agreed to visit him in Nova Scotia with Taehyung, the following week. I didn't have any problem with giving it to him but the way it happened, left me feeling overwhelmed and maybe sad too. 

Also, I put my car on sale three days ago and unsurprisingly, I received calls from a bunch of people. They were really impressed by the features plus the price. Yes, I had to lower it down a little more than necessary cuz I needed money within a week. And, Taehyung wanted it all in cash. No cheques, no transfers, nothing. He didn't trust me with anything else. Probably afraid that I'd rat him out.

It was agonizing to hear them raving about my vehicle once seeing it cuz deep down, I still loved my peugeot. But I knew I could buy another one soon enough, after the current chaos die out.


I snapped my head up in alarm, hearing manager-nim's urgent voice inside my cubicle. 

"Sir?" I stood up, feeling guilty for getting caught while zoning out during work hours, once again.

"Are you alright?" his words weren't anywhere near concern. Just annoyance. 

"Yes sir."

"You see this god damn pile of files on your desk, Seokjin? Do you?"

"Y-Yes sir."

"Well then, stop looking like an idiot and get to work. We've no time to waste. The shipment of  Chevrolets are almost here and we're still not done with the paperwork. Can't expect the government to pay are asses for daydreaming now, can we?"

I looked down, feeling frustrated. Too much problems to handle at one time. "N-No sir."


Then he disappeared from sight, probably planning to yell at Sehun over the next cubicle. Gosh, I wished I wasn't working under this hothead.

I went through some more files for a hour or two until my phone buzzed on the desk. I picked it up. 

"Hello?" I said, warily. 

"Hello, it's Lee Jong-suk speaking. Perhaps you remember me?"

"Yes, you came over to see my car ." I muttered, plopping my head onto the polished steel desk. 

"Well, I'd like to buy it. Can we arrange a meeting tomorrow?" 

"Well.. As I said before, I need the full payment all in once and in cash. Would that be alright?"

"Yes, I agree. Don't want you to hand it over to another one."

"Great, then come over to my apartment lobby. Tomorrow. 6 o' clock?"



The following evening

It was a hell of a day. After working until 5 p.m., I excused myself to go home after promising to work a night shift the following day, ironically two days before Christmas. I climbed into my soon-to-be-sold vehicle and fastened my seat belt. I connected my phone into the audio system and rang Jungkook's number for the third time that day. He picked up on the second ring.

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