Just some explaining :)

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The Red Skull is the lead ship, and the largest, of the Blackheart fleet. I am well aware that the layout of both this ship and some of the others are different from what a pirate ship would have been.

/!\ Please note that I am very well aware that there are inconsistencies and imperfections. This is my very first completed project, started during 2021 in the midst of the pandemic. Please be kind and patient. /!\

The Red Skull serves as a housing boat for the higher-up crewmen. It's captain's cabin has been turned into a functional home for Jocelynn and her father. The prison cells have been kindly turned into rooms for the crew. Each room contains a maximum of three bunk beds and a minimum of two. As well as a space for a fresh water barrel and an alcohol cabinet.

There is a galley in the hold for the food of the rest of the crew. As well as a cartography room for maps and their copies. The captain keeps his more important maps in the cabin in the kitchen island cabinets.

The Santiago is the main medical ship of the crew. The captain's cabin has been turned into a medical supply room. The rooms in the lower deck have been turned into medical barracks for patients and wounded.

Lincoln lives aboard this ship, in the first room of the lower deck. He is the chief medical officer.

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