Chapter 1

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It's been a long week, and a lot of late nights. I'm just so happy to finally be home. Though if I realized what was going on faster it wouldn't have taken so long. Thank goodness Sunset Shimmer was there. She has changed so much since the last time I was there and I'm glad to call her a friend.
....hmm I wonder where everypony is

I was halfway down the hallway before I even noticed how dark the castle was and how quiet. "I guess they got tired of waiting around. I don't blame them I did take awhile." *sigh* "oh well guess I'll just find them in the morning, it is really late." Luna's moon was high in the sky meaning it was just around midnight. The castle was peaceful and as the moon shines through I couldn't help but notice how beautiful the castle was at night. All you could hear were my hooves on the smooth crystal like floor.
It felt like forever before I made it to my room. It was only a short walk from the library where the mirror (portal) was but in my current state it felt like I had walked three days to get there. Crawling into bed and finally getting off my hooves felt so good.
"Now to get under the covers and get some rest."
I can't believe what those Sirens did to everypony I mean everybody there. They made them all so mean and nasty towards each other even Flash Sentry was a jerk...Flash...I know he isn't like that and I'm glad I got to spend time, even though it was short, with the real him and not that nasty Siren corrupted him. At least there is one less evil trying to get back to Equestria that I have to worry about. ...hmmm handsome...

It was bright, like looking straight at the sun bright. Blinking a few times I finally saw green and blue instead of an intense yellow. My vision was becoming better and I started walking towards the green and blue. As I walked I could feel what the green was, it was grass, soft and blowing gently in the breeze. The sky was such a brilliant sapphire blue. As I kept walking and my vision got better I could see someone standing there. Getting closer I could make out some parts. I knew it was a human, seemed to be a male. He started to turn around and I got a better view. His hair was spiked up or combed back, I couldn't tell but it was blue. Working my way down to his face I noticed his eyes were on me. My eyes locked with his and I knew who this person standing in the middle of the field was Flash. My eyes must have sparkled because as soon as I realized who was standing a short distance from me a sweet smile stretched across his face.
"Twilight." His voice was so welcoming "Twilight" again he was calling me only this time I could feel my body start to shake....
"Twilight. Come on Twilight wake up!"
My eyes shot open faster than I could comprehend what was going on
"Twilight?" The small voice called me again. I know that voice. Lifting my head and rubbing my eyes I was able to see who was in control of the small voice.
"Spike? When did you get home?"
"Oh just a few minutes ago." He said while opening up the blinds to let the sun shine through. "So when did you get home? Must of been a big problem for you to be gone that long"
"Last night around midnight, and yeah it was but everything's fine now. Wait...where did you stay while I was gone?"
He stopped to look at me
"That's good. I stayed with Fluttershy and Rarity" I couldn't help but giggle a bit when he said Rarity. He has such a crush on her it's just too cute. "Oh yeah forgot to tell you Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Rarity are all at Sugarcube Corners. They wanted me to come here and see if you were back." He smiled and started heading towards the door.
"Thanks Spike. I guess we should head over there."
I smiled as I followed my tiny assistant out the door. Walking out of the castle Celestias sun was shining bright in a nearly empty sky. I took a deep breath in, let Spike jump on my back and started making my way to Sugercube Corners.

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