Chapter 4

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Frozen....I can't move...I need to see if anypony is still alive...but I can't move...who or what did this to them...

I couldn't believe what my eyes were showing me. The field was littered with bodies. I had to move, I just had to get down there and see if anypony was still alive. I slowly was able to swallow my fear and get my legs to start moving towards the bottom of the hill. As I made my way down I was kicking up ash which was making me cough. Once at the bottom I got a better look.

"No..." Gasping as tears started pouring down my face ""
Sobbing my worst fear came to life before my eyes. There in front of me was Princess Celestia's and Princess Luna's bodies. My knees went week. I tried to nudge them awake with no response. Tears still pouring down I moved on to see if I could find survivors. As I moved on I saw Bon Bon, Ditzy Doo, Thunderlane, Vinyl Scratch, and a few more of my Ponyville friends. The life was gone from their bodies, there was nothing I could do for them.

Soon I came across my friends. Causing my sobbing to become uncontrollably. They were covered in wounds that no pony could survive.
"Oh girls....I'm so sorry I wasn't here...if I was here I could have saved you..."
"Keep going"
The voice came in my ears as if whoever owned it was right next to me. I wanted to scream, I wanted to fight, I wanted to destroy whoever did this to the ones I loved. But there was no pony there, as much as I would have loved to I knew there was nothing I could do. I didn't even know who owned the voice let alone what they were.

I kept moving, I had to keep moving. I had to see who else was gone. I saw Dr. Whooves, Mr. & Mrs. Cake, Princess Cadance, Shining Armor, Spike, Cheerilee, Mayor Mare.
"Everypony is gone..." My cheeks were now soaked from crying. "What happened?...why wasn't I here..."
"You aren't finished hahahaha" the darkness in the voice seemed to become greater than before.
"...but there's no pony left...I've seen enough..." I kept my head down while responding.

I couldn't save my friends and I couldn't fight for them now. What good was I? How come I wasn't here?
"Look again." It said almost mocking me.
I kept my head down. There was no point in looking. It suddenly got dark around me causing me to look up. There was only one spot of light left. I gasped when I saw who was in the light

"Flash.." I ran up to him praying he was still alive but knowing it was highly unlikely.
"Oh Flash...I'm so sorry...I shouldn't have left your side...I should have helped. Maybe if I stayed everypony would still be alive." I was now laying next to him with my head resting against his.
"I'm sorry everypony...this is all my fault...I should have.." Then I felt something moving next to me.
"*cough* *cough* that you"
I looked down to see those beautiful blue eyes slightly open. "Oh Flash" I responded still crying, I didn't know if it was still out of sorrow or if it was now out of joy or fear. I knew whoever owned the voice was watching
"Twilight I'm sorry...I tried to protect everypony..*cough* *cough*..but at least I was able to save you..."

Flash laid his head back down on the ground and closed his eyes. I knew what that meant, I knew he wasn't going to be with me anymore. I could feel a pain in my chest. It felt like my heart was broken into a million pieces. I laid my head over his body and cried.

"Poor little creature. Lost everything that was dear to her and there was nothing you could do." It cackled before continuing "You see there is NOTHING that can stop me. Not even your precious Celestia." I stood up to face this THING and was now consumed by darkness. I started charging a spell to hurt it or at least try to.
"HA you pathetic little creature. You think you can hurt ME, don't make me laugh"
"SHUT UP!" But before I could release my spell the ground below me crumbled.

I shot up from my bed panting and covered in sweat.
"It was just a dream"
It was dark in my room, I walked to the window to see how late it was. It was almost 8pm. I took a few more deep breaths to calm myself down before heading to Pinkies party.

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