Chapter 13.

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Phil turned back to Stu and Alan. Alan watching the 2 with interest while Stu remained respectful and kept himself out.

"Let's go," Phil stated, taking Brooklyn's hand and leading the way into the hotel.

"It's not gonna work," Stu claimed as they stepped through the lobby past multiple tourists.

"Not with that fucking attitude," Phil snapped back, continuing his stride through the lobby like a hitman on a mission.

"You know this whole place is made out of marbles?" Alan stated as he looked around. Brooklyn shook her head.

"Marble, Alan. Marble."

The 4 continued their stride through the hallways until they found a 'staff only' room just as an employee was leaving it.

Phil quickly tucked himself between the door to keep it from closing, looking back to see if the employee heard him before beckoning the other 3 over.

Inside the room, there were multiple racks of multiple different sizes of folded towels, cloths and sheets, to which Phil began stacking a few towels from a shelf together as Alan held them for him while Stu and Brooklyn stood lookout.

They then found a staff elevator and pushed the button for the highest floor, Phil going over his plan as they went up. "Alright. After we stick Chow, Alan and I are gonna take him down through the lobby. Be waiting in the valet, engine running, ready to go."

Stu looked at his friend, a nervous expression on his face. "Are you sure about this?"

Phil didn't have time to answer as the elevator dinged, now on their desired floor. "Give me the Demerol," He ordered, his hands out for Stu to give him the drugs.

Before him and Alan left, Phil reached over to give Brooklyn one more firm kiss before stepping out of the elevator, Alan following. "I love you," He said to Brooklyn before looking at Stu. "See you in 20 minutes."

"Hey, Phil?" Stu asked, getting Phil's attention as he was turning around. "Don't die."

Again, Phil didn't have time to answer before the doors closed, leaving him and Alan on the other side and Stu and Brooklyn still inside.

Let's hope to god this works.


Stu and Brooklyn waited in the limo in the valet. Stu in the drivers seat and Brooklyn in the passenger, both of them watching the roof for Phil and Alan.

Pretty soon, they saw the silhouettes of them on the edge of the rooftop. "Holy shit. Brooks, look, there they are," Stu pointed out, pointing to where he saw Phil as Brooklyn looked, her leg bouncing with anxiety as the makeshift rope of towels was thrown over the edge, dangling a couple feet above the balcony.

"This is the worst idea Phil's ever had," Brooklyn stared as Phil slowly began belaying down from the rooftop.

When he slipped and almost fell, Brooklyn's hands were clapped over her mouth at the sight as Stu set a hand on her back for some comfort while Phil managed to fix himself.

A few minutes passed as Phil slowly let himself slide down the rope of towels, the breath both Stu and Brooklyn were holding leaving as they saw him drop onto the balcony. "Hey, he made it. Now we just need Alan to make it."

"Oh god," Brooklyn muttered, both of them watching Alan climb over the railing and sliding down the towel rope.

And of course, being Alan, he slipped and fell onto the S of the Caesar's Palace sign, the light flickering as he landed on it. "Oh, fuck me," Brooklyn gasped.

The Hangover, Part 3. (Phil Wenneck X OC).Where stories live. Discover now