Chapter Fifty-Two

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I could only stare at the man in front of me, my mind a tangled mess of thoughts. "I-I'm sorry, could you...did you say that Narvi was affected by me?" I shifted on the bed, nibbling at my bottom lip. There was one main thought, however, that I could mentally decipher, and that was that I...I was with Alaban and yet the thought that, the ever so stoic and mysterious Narvi, was affected by me...I was admittedly a little...intrigued by it.

Did that...make me a bad person? Being with a man that I loved, yet...

I mentally shook my head and peeked at Alaban, silently taking note of the way those amber eyes seemed to study me—which caused a shiver to crawl up my spine. Alaban...hadn't he said he had also been affected by Narvi? Or, well, illuded to it?

I glanced fully at him now, trying to read that dark, obsidian face of his—though it was admittedly kind of hard, given the dimness of the room.

"See something you like, Drakell?" The man in front of me asked, his voice just above a rumble.

I snorted...but kept my gaze on him. "Well...obviously," Alaban snorted as I continued trying to see where, you know, this could maybe go, "but, no, admitted to being affected by Narvi as well...but in what way? I had been? O-Or a completely different way that I'm not quick to realize?"

Alaban stared at me for a moment, and for a split second, I wondered if I should have even asked such things, when he inclined his head, grasping my attention. "Narvi is...he is indeed a beautiful man. A beautiful dragon. I would be a fool to say otherwise." He then shrugged and bumped his shoulder lightly against mine. "Honestly, and I do hope you don't take this in any weird way...but I...I think I was more affected myself, knowing how much he had affected you."

I stared at him and blinked, unsure how to unpack that particular admittance. I opened my mouth with the intention to ask him just what he meant by that—more curious than upset—but as soon as I went to speak, we heard our front door slam shut—indicating that someone was now inside.

I snapped my mouth shut, believing our guest to be none other than Narvi himself—as Aerylin or Evander usually knocked before we let them in. And while I felt a bit awkward, at the thought of looking at the moon dragon so soon after my body' know. However I was a grown adult and I did kind of feel better knowing I hadn't been the only one that happened to.

Alaban was the first to stand up, after pressing a kiss against my temple, and the sun dragon left the room as I sat there nibbling on the inside of my cheek—which probably wasn't any better than chewing my nails down into stubs, but I was trying to get myself out of that habit, and...ah, here my mind went going way off topic again.

I took a breath—and a quick peek to make sure I was...calmed down—and made my way out of the bedroom, seeing Narvi and Alaban chatting by the fireplace.

I didn't enter the main living space just yet, however, and instead stood there in the door frame watching the two of them talk to one another—though, they were much to far for me to hear what said conversation entailed, and I hoped they weren't talking about me...

However, if they were...I hope it was only good things.

I continued to watch them a moment longer, as a strange thought crept into the back of my mind. Alaban and Narvi...they looked good together. Porcelain and obsidian. Sun and moon. Yin and yang. They looked good standing side by side, and for a brief second...I may or may not have wondered what they would looked like in bed together.

Of course, as soon as that stray thought passed through my mind, my face immediately went red and my heart rate picked up, as the image that popped up wasn't exactly...princely to think about. Alaban nor his people could read minds...could they?

I tore my gaze away from the duo in front of me, face down as I tried to will my face to stop blushing so hard. The gods had a different plan, though, and it was only seconds later when I heard footsteps approaching me, causing me to glance up into the dark face of Alaban. Narvi remained where he was, those light eyes peering towards me.

"I was thinking we could cook up something for lunch...or gods, what time is it again? Dinner maybe? I don't know, I'm hungry and want food, how about you, Drakell?" My sun dragon wondered, snaking an arm around my waist before gently pulling me into our living room.

I shoved all of my...well...previous thoughts into the back of my mind and awkwardly cleared my throat. "Oh, didn't Aerylin ban you from cooking?"

Alaban pouted as Narvi snickered. "Aerylin is exaggerating, I'm not that bad at cooking."

I raised a brow.

Alaban's pout deepened, and the man sighed in defeat. "Alright, alright. Maybe I'm not...the greatest at cooking..."

"I can cook," Narvi spoke, causing Alaban and I to glance towards him bewildered.

"You can? Since when?" Alaban wondered, watching as Narvi shifted around the chairs and began heading in the direction of our make-shift kitchen.

"Aerylin has been teaching me. She says if I don't cook for you men, you would no doubt be pestering her to do it for you."

Alaban snorted and I couldn't help but laugh. "That's so not...there's others I could have persuaded to cook us a meal...however...sure, yeah, go for it."

Narvi began pulling down spices and pans and Alaban and I watched curiously as this man—a man who spent his life in a forest, scavenging for food—make us a full fledge meal with a dexterity the man seemed to be an expert in.

That was another thing that fascinated me about the moon dragon we had crossed paths with. Narvi was incredibly smart and seemed to pick up on things much faster than the average person could. I mean, he went from barely speaking draconic, to speaking it almost as if he had been speaking it his entire life. He had learned to weave baskets from the older sun dragons in only mere hours, and now he knew how to cook?

He was beautiful, and he was smart, and I wondered if all moon dragons had been. Because if all moon dragons were able to learn so quickly, and were as intelligent and beautiful as Narvi...could that be why their kind was considered a myth? Were mortals so scared of them and the power they could wield, that they took them out?

I had no idea why such thoughts formed in my mind, but as I had done with the...lewder of my thoughts, I shoved these to the back of my mind and instead focused on the warmth of being content as I watched Narvi move around the kitchen as if he had been born to be there.

And...Alaban and I were surely not done with our conversation about Narvi...but that was a conversation for another time, at least, for now, as I still had a lot of thinking to do about the things that had transpired today. Both the fun, and...embarrassing. There was a lot on my mind I needed to sift through and figure out...for another time.

A/N: Andd here's another chapter for yallll! Slowly...the romance be buildinnnnnnggggg. But, when I went into this I knew it would take a little longer for our boys to start seeing Narvi in a...special lighhhhhttttt, but here we are!!!! And I know, its been kind of a slow burner, butttt, I have plans and unfortunately those plans come a little later, therefore gotta have at least something to happen until then lol. Not too much longer, though.

Anywhooooooo, hope you all enjoyed the chapterrrrrrr! Lemme know what you think! I love reading y'all's feedback!

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