Chapter Sixty-Four

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My anxiety made it nearly impossible to get some actual sleep, and so, I unfortunately found myself waking up often, in the middle of the night. Narvi and Alaban however, seemed thoroughly exhausted, the two of them still curled up together, with Narvi's head on Alaban's exposed chest.

My third time waking, I attempted to move silently, so that I didn't wake them up, and made my way into the kitchen to get a glass of water. There wasn't really any sound in the house, besides the faint noises of the nocturnal creatures outside...all was calm, and as I grabbed a cup and filled it with water, my gaze slid back over to the two men who had captured my heart.

I took a sip as warmth filled my chest and made my way back over to them—sitting down in one of our loveseats, my eyes remaining on them. They looked so...peaceful, together like that. And I was somehow lucky enough to have their hearts.

I looked down and stared at my reflection in the cup. I looked older. Though, that was more than likely due to all the stress I had endured lately. I could see the beginning of bags under my eyes, as well as the frown lines I don't remember having before. I surely didn't look very princely. Father probably wouldn't even recognize me if he saw me. Mother would be sad to see me so aged, and Davian...well, I ran away before he could even really get to know me.

I took another sip and lifted my gaze, freezing when I realized an amber gaze was on me. Alaban stared at me with half lidded eyes, his lips pulled into a slight, tired frown. "Drakell? Are you alright?" He asked me, his voice thick with sleep.

I smiled softly, not wanting to worry him with my current thoughts, and nodded, tapping my fingers against my cup. "Yeah. Sorry if I woke you up."

Alaban's worry melted away, and he relaxed and began lightly tracing his fingers along Narvi's bare back—causing the moon dragon to curl in closer to the other man. The silence then fell thick around us—save for the occasional sounds of me sipping my late-night refresher—but all seemed good for now.

My gaze slipped to Narvi's sleeping face, and I wondered silently if he was currently dreaming about the individual trying to kill us, or if he was dreaming about anything else. At first, he seemed at peace—his face relaxed, and his lips slightly parted as he drooled a little on Alaban's chest. I could see his eyes moving behind his lids, which did indicate that he was indeed dreaming...but I couldn't tell you if it was his dreaming abilities or not. That was yet another thing that was entirely new to me—the way Narvi could basically see the future and the past in his mind like that.

Had...all moon dragons had that ability—once upon a time ago? Narvi had once told me his mother also experienced these types of had that extended to the entirety of the moon dragons? Was that the reason they were now revered as only a myth?

I went to take another sip of my water, only to realize that my cup was now empty.

Gods, I must have really been deep in my thoughts, to not notice how much I had been sipping at it.

I sighed and went to stand up, only to pause when Narvi started whimpering in his sleep. I sat my cup aside, just as Alaban glanced down at the whimpering moon dragon in his arms, his brows pinching together with concern as those amber eyes shifted to me.

"I-do we wake him?" Alaban asked me quietly, as I knelt by the both of them, his gaze then dropping back to the man in his arms. "I'm not sure how his abilities work..."

I gently brushed a soft lock of white hair from Narvi's cheek, my heart growing tight when I saw his pinched brows. "I honestly don't know," I admitted, "this is all new to me too. What do you think we should do?"

Both of us then tensed when Narvi's body bowed, my worry only growing when he began whimpering even louder—sweat now dripping from his pale skin as he began writhing in place. I could see even Alaban growing worried as he shot up into a sitting position to try to hold Narvi still.

The moon dragon's eyes then flew open and he shot up, completely panicked. Alaban and I were immediately at his sides, the both of us worried as Narvi attempted to catch his breath.

"Are you alright, Narvi? Breathe, Narvi. In, and out—like me..." I gently rubbed circles into the albino's back, hoping to get him calmed down enough to tell us what was going on.

And he did, after a moment, he got his breathing under control. I gently grabbed his cheek and turned him to me—concern no doubt written over my face as I searched those light eyes of his. "Are you ok?"

Narvi nodded. "I'm ok...but we need to hurry."

Before I could ask why we needed to hurry, the man was already up and throwing on his clothes—and I admit, seeing him like this made me follow his movements and toss on my own. Alaban followed suit not a moment after, and once we three were dressed, Alaban and I watched as Narvi paced back and forth, his brows pinched together in deep thought.

I looked towards Alaban, the man sharing a glance towards me before our attention went back to our moon dragon. I moved towards him and placed my hand on his shoulder. "Narvi, what's going on? Do...Do you know who is trying to kill us?"

Narvi looked at me and nodded. "I-I saw..." He then fell silent, brows once again pinching together, as his gaze seemed to...well, follow something.

I looked to where he was staring, and at first, I couldn't see what he was seemingly transfixed by. Then after a moment...I saw it. A barely visible, glowing golden ember floated slowly across the air, almost as if it were almost...dancing.

I looked to Alaban, confused as to what that was, but just as I looked at him, his amber gaze grew wide and panic flew across his dark face as he lunched forward, to grab both Narvi and I. "Watch out!" He yelled...though his voice was lost as a deafening white light flashed—taking away my vision momentarily.

A heavy boom then sounded, and the next thing I knew I was being thrown back by a blast of flame, my body slamming hard against the wall. I could hear Narvi and Alaban yell as they too were thrown off their feet, and as my ears rang loudly in my head, all I could see were the flames that were consuming the home we three had worked so hard to build.

Chunks of the ceiling broke off and slammed onto the floor, as everything was blackened—the heat from the flames nearly scorching my skin as I desperately pulled myself to my feet and ran to Alaban, who appeared unconscious from the blast.

Narvi was by my side as well as we dropped next to the unconscious sun dragon. I shook him, hoping he would wake up before there was another blast, and thank the gods, his eyes flickered open and a pained grunt fell past his lips.

A crunch then sounded behind us, loud enough that we all heard it, and as we all whipped around to see who it was, I could feel Alaban tense as his lifelong friend, stepped through the flames with a face so eerily blank, it caused a shiver of fear to rush up my spine.

A/N: ooooooohhh shnapppp its happeninggggggg! Hehehehehehehe! And it do be sad, but there's only a couple of chapters end before Prince of Dragons finally comes to a closeeeee! But, what could this mean for our lovers here? I am currently in the works of a third installment of this series, still featuring our three boys here! So, while this story may end, Drakell, Narvi, and Alaban's story is not finished yet! :)

Hope you all enjoyeeeeeeedddddd!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20 ⏰

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