Chapter Sixty-Three

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"These Is there something I should know about?"

I jumped and pulled out of my thoughts, my gaze shifting to Alaban as one of his fingers caressed my neck. My cheeks went red when I realized he was seeing the hickies—which, thanks to my pale skin, were incredibly dark and noticeable—and I awkwardly cleared my throat and sat down the incense stick I had been in the process of lighting.

"O-Oh, um...I..." I subconsciously slid my gaze over to the culprit of my...evident ravishing from earlier, watching as he—still shirtless—placed pre-lit incense on our fireplace. I then nibbled at my bottom lip, and tried to quell my nerves as I turned my attention back to Alaban.

Alaban was incredibly smart. That's why I fell for him in the first a look of realization fell across his dark face as his amber gaze flickered towards Narvi. That realization then turned into intrigue, and when he finally looked back towards me, he had a faint smirk on his face. "I see. Did you two enjoy one another?"

My cheeks darkened, and I began nibbling at my bottom lip as the memories of earlier resurfaced. "We did. I..." I sighed. "I love Narvi, Alaban. He's...unique, and smart, and he's beautiful. I'm drawn to him, just as much as I am drawn to you. I love the both of both have done so much for me, and I..."

Alaban placed a dark finger against my lips, silencing me. "You have a lot of love to give, Drakell, it's who you are. If you love him, I am not stopping you from being with him too." His sweet smile then turned more mischievous, and his amber eyes slid over to the moon dragon in question. "I am intrigued by him. You are absolutely right; he is incredibly intelligent. And he is bold, and I...I admit, I have been...thinking of him quite a bit lately."

My heart rate began to pick up, as an image of-of Narvi and Alaban shamefully jumped to the forefront of my mind. Just the thought of them together had an intense warmth wash over me and I had to mentally shove that image back a little so that I could respond with...well...dignity. However, all I could manage was a surprised "Oh?".

Alaban chuckled and pressed a kiss against the top of my head. "I'll let you think on that for a moment," he told me, before he grabbed his silver thread and began lining every opening in our house that we had—all while muttering something under his breath.

I looked over to Narvi and saw that he was also watching Alaban with keen eyes as he did his thing, and even from here I swear I could see interest swirling within that light blue gaze of his. Was Narvi...into Alaban as well?

I admit, despite my long list of past lovers, I was new to the idea of multiple partners. However, I wasn't...against it at all. I was intrigued by it, and I truly wanted to see where...well, were this went.

Narvi apparently caught me staring as well, and sauntered over to where I was before plopping down beside me. "It's hard to look away when he does magic," Narvi commented, leaning his head on his knees as his gaze slid over to our sun dragon.

I nodded. "Yeah, it's certainly interesting to watch him, isn't it?" I then nibbled at my bottom lip. "Narvi...what do you think of Alaban?"

Narvi tore his gaze from the man in question, and looked at me, seemingly reading me before he pursed his lips and shrugged. "He is protective, and kind, and he loves incredibly deeply. He is also beautiful," he tilted his head. "Why do you ask, Drakell?"

I sat up straighter, my heart thumping loudly against my ribcage. "I-I um...well, if the two of you are curious about one another, a-and wish to pursue one another...I would not object."

Narvi stared at me for a moment in silence, the gears in his head seemingly turning. He then flickered his gaze over towards Alaban, then back towards me. "He is...interested in me? As he is, in you?"

When I nodded, Narvi smiled and stood up, before making his way over to the sun dragon in person. I then watched, with wide eyes, as Narvi turned Alaban—the dragon momentarily confused—before he pulled his head down and kissed him.

And Alaban...well, he wasted no time at all dropping the thread—kissing Narvi back with a ferocity that made even me a little...warm. The duo then pulled away, but Alaban then lifted Narvi up, and pinned him against the wall before kissing him once again—the moon dragon's legs wrapped firmly around Alaban's waist.

Ebony and ivory, encased together in harmony.

I if I was a peeping tom, as I sat here staring at was honestly hard to look away, not that I found myself wanting to. I actually...embarrassingly enough, found myself a little too...into it, when I finally realize just how much I had been affected.

At the current moment, Alaban had moved from Narvi's lips, and was now kissing along the pale expanse of his neck. Narvi looked like he was enjoying it quite a bit, and when his half-lidded eyes fell onto me, he beckoned me over with a finger.

Was I really about to do this?

Yes, yes I was. I loved both of these men...why wouldn't I want to indulge in the desires of both?

Without much thought, I got up and instantly made my way over there before I gently cupped Narvi's face, as Alaban ravished his neck, and kissed him—my heart now racing in my chest. At some point during our kiss, Alaban even pulled away from the moon dragon's neck to stare at us, his gaze intensely watching as Narvi and I made out.

When my chest began growing tight, I finally ended up pulling away so that I could breathe—causing Narvi to whine and pout at me.

"Gods," Alaban then spoke, his gaze flickering between Narvi and I, his breath coming out in pants. "I..." He blew out air and gently cupped Narvi's face, causing the moon dragon's attention to flicker towards him. "Allow me to finish setting this up...and then I..." his gaze shifted back and forth between us, "I wish to indulge in this. In all of us. I just wish to make sure we are safe, first." He then placed Narvi down and grabbed the silver thread—the man very evidently effected by what had just transpired. "I only have one more window to do."

Narvi nibbled at his bottom lip, then nodded before making his way over to me—his hands sliding over my exposed chest. He then began kissing at my neck, which in turn caused Alaban to once again pause and stare, before he seemed to realize he was trying to finish up his warding spell thing and tore his gaze away.

As for Narvi...well, he was a testament to my will, because as he slid his hands lower, I was already breathless, and when he moved his hands to my neck to kiss me harder, I obliged and began backing him up towards the couch to once again indulge in one another as Alaban finished up what he was doing.

Which surprisingly only took about three minutes before another weight was joining us—the man already ready and wanting as he then began making out with the moon dragon.

***Scene in Frozen Treats!***

It took us a moment to gather ourselves and our thoughts, before we cleaned one another up. I couldn't keep my eyes away from Alaban and Narvi, however, as Alaban gently brushed his fingers over the moon dragon's stomach—a faint flash of amber light emitting from his fingers as he magically wiped away any mess that had been left behind.

They were beautiful together.

We were beautiful together.

And once we finally subdued the individual who had it out for us...we three could be together. We could be happy.

A/N: EEEEEEEKKKK! Finally all our boys be togethhhhhhherrrrrrrrr! Bout darn time, am I right? Lol, anywhoooooo, Hope you all enjoy this little treat of a chapter (even though it went from 0 to 100 real quick lmao)


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