The Carnival (Part 1)

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I wake up to a thump in the middle of the night. And realize that "thump" was Hamzah falling onto my floor pad. "Oww" he says in a sleepy voice. I try to move but he rolls onto my arm leaving me trapped.

He starts sleep talking and I have to try to move without waking him up. He moves around and flings his arm on my stomach. How do I get out of this?? My mom's gonna kill me if she thinks something happened. I'll just rest my eyes and deal with him later.

8 hours later....

I wake up with Hamzah's arm under my head and his head resting on mine. I tap him repeatedly to wake him up. "Hey Hamzah" I whisper. He slowly opens his eyes and rubs his eyes "You fell last night are you okay?" I ask

"I did huh, yeah I'm fine." He says in a sleepy voice, looking down at me while still laying down. Once he realizes we're cuddled together he quickly gets up.

"Sorry I move in my sleep a lot." He says while rubbing his neck. "It's okay me too but we need to get ready for the carnival." I say. "Yeah we do." I stand up and give him a hand. "I was supposed to wake up" i thought to myself.

I go to the bathroom to wash my face and do my makeup. I start brushing my teeth when someone barges in, it's Hamzah. "Oh sorry-" he says. "Oh no it's fine you can brush you're teeth here, theres another sink."

"Trust me you need to brush." I say. He widens his eyes and shuts the door. "Stop it I actually?" He asks. "No." I say sarcastically. "Yeah whatever shut up." He responds while shaking his head.

We chuckle together. "Sorry for like invading your bed and sleeping in your room." He says abruptly. "Oh it's no problem, I used to share a room with Trey, I'm used to it." I say. "Oh okay thats good to know." He says in his sleepy voice.

I start brushing and see Hamzah looking at me through the mirror. I finish up brushing and I gargle some water.  I go near the door, when Hamzah opens it for me. "Wow such a gentleman." I said. "Yah I know I am." He says in a snarky tone.

I wear a graphic tank top and loose jeans. I put my hair up behind my ears and get my sunglasses and lipgloss.

I go downstairs to eat breakfast and see Hamzah and Trey eating already. "

"Oh yeah mom says you and Diana have to stay with us the whole time." Trey says. "Really? Im not 10 we're responsible." I argue. "I know you guys are but mom's words not mine." Trey says.

"Yeah we just want to make sure you are-uhm you guys are safe, blah sorry ." Hamzah says. He looks down and smiles embarrassed. "you're good." I say with a smile. "Okay great we're all good?" Trey asks. "Yeah." Me and Hamzah say at the same time.

I look at Hamzah with a surprised face and say jinx. " shut up Evan" He laughs and Trey leads the way to the door. Hamzah leads me infront of him by brushing my back and giving me a pat.

I look back at him an upside down smile. We go in the car and go to pick up Diana. "Hey guys thanks for picking me up." Diana says. "Oh yeah no problem." Trey says. "Oh yeah and our mom says you guys need to stay with us okay?" He says. "That's fine with me." Diana says with a smile.

As we're driving Diana asks "so how's that boy you're talking too?" Hamzah looks behind, I push his head back to make him look forward. "This is confidential,nosy!" I say  "Yeah well I can't just ignore when you guys are loudd as hell" he says. "Yeah whatever." I says. He turns and gives me a smirk.

Diana turns to me with her eyes wide and mouth open. She taps at her phone, gesturing to check mine. I check and she texted me.

                                       DIANAAA 💕

D: why's there so much tension and flirting rn...

               E: stop it. This is HAMZAH..ur talkin abt..

D: well he seems to have grown fond of you 🤭

          E: okay that's enough from you today thank u..!

D: whatever u say but there's def something there.

               E: it's the air between us thats what's there

D: so funny 😒

                                                               E: I know right!!

We turn off our phones and realize we're already there. "Oh my gosh they have so many new rides this year! Let's try to ride all of them" I say. "Yeah that'll be fun I think." Hamzah says.

"I'm scared of those drops..." Diana says. "WHO WILL RIDE WITH ME THEN??" I exclaim. "Go ride by yourself." Trey says. "Shut your mouth Trey." I say annoyed.

We get out of the car and show our tickets for entry. We get in and are welcomed with the smell of food. I say "let's get açaí bowls, they look Soo good."

We go around and get some for our breakfast. Trey also orders this mango drink. Looks good. As we're eating I ask to try Treys drink.

"Just one sip." He says. I try it.."wait did you bring lactaid??" "No.. why?" Trey asks. "This has milk and yogurt in it.." I say. "Hell nah Treys gonna get the stinkies." Hamzah says. We all laugh.

"Stop my stomach is actually hurting." Trey says. "Why does it actually smell like a bounce dat ass right now." Hamzah says. "STOP." Trey says.
We all laugh hysterically.

Trey says "I'm gonna go to the bathroom, have fun without me." "And I'll be by the beach, have fun on the rides!" Diana says. Wait.. so this only leaves me and Hamzah. Shoot. We both look at each other. We start walking around.

"So which ride do you wanna ride first?" I ask. "Can we do the Wind blaster? It's supposed to have a really big loopty loop." He says excitedly. "Okay let's go on the wind blaster.

The line isn't too long, we just wait for a few minutes . We're next up and my anxiety starts hitting. "I'm so scared Hamzah stop this." I said. "You only feel that now, you're gonna have fun, trust me." He says.

"That is not reassuring." I say. "Well I tried." He says while crossing his arms and taunting me. The gate opens. We sit in together. The worker pulls on the seatbelt.

"Why is that so intimate... should i ask what are we to him?" Hamzah says while laughing. I start laughing and my mind is put at ease. "You have to scream with me, I'm gonna scream loud." I say. "Oh god." He says

The ride starts moving up and I look at Hamzah seeing him about to shit his pants. I start laughing when I get cut off by the drop. We both scream and look at each other.

The adrenaline in that moment causes me to hold Hamzah's hand for a reassuring moment. He looks at me "YOU'RE HANDS ARE SO SWEATY." He screams. "SHUT UP." I scream back.

We can't stop laughing it's so much adrenaline. "OOP FOREHEAD REVEAL." I say. "STOP IT." He says. We cannot stop laughing for the life of us. And finally we slow down and come to a stop.

"Oh my gosh.. that was so fun." I say. "See I told you." He says. Hamzah looks back at me "what the fuck,how does your hair look like that after all of that, my hair line just receded by 30 years."  We both start laughing and my cheeks turn red thinking about the hidden compliment Hes just told.

We get out and I'm still holding his hand. "Oh sorry, so much adrenaline." I say. "I know and sweaty hands." He says with a smirk on his face. "Wipe that smirk off your face, my hands are NOT sweaty, they're moisturized. " He laughs at me.

Im having such a good time. Who knew Hamzah could be this fun?

(A/N) Ahhh I hope you guys like this chapter!! Also thanks to @mf_cher for the suggestion!! I tried to add it as best as I could! They were the inspiration for the start of the chapter! So if anyone else has suggestions I'd be happy to add them in!

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