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Chen Ruiyu is so nice and hardworking, what is to say that she can't marry into a good Family? They just need to start looking around and they will soon find a good match for her. Besides, there are so many young men in the village who wanted to marry Chen Ruiyu.

"Since you two are back, I will arrange for you to join the family business. Decide if you want land to to cultivate or to manage a shop at the market." Tang patriarch sat with his two sons and daughter-in-law after lunch to discuss future plans. It didn't take long for Tang Mo to make his choice.

"Father, Yinran is not used to hard labor and since we are planning to have children soon, it is better to manage a shop so as to not tire her out." Tang Mo said as he rubbed the back of Song Yinran's hand gently.

Tang Xin on the other hand sat quietly for a while looking at the couple. He was sure of his decision already. He knew he was not good at social interactions and always playing nice and smiling at a shop will grind his brain to dust. Since he was strong physically and not afraid of hard labor, he decided to take the land instead.

After they both informed their father of their decisions, he told them how much property he was giving each son. Since Tang Mo wanted to manage a shop, then he will give him a shop in a central location at the market. On Tang Xin's side, he gave him one acre of their most fertile land and another two acres of land in a less fertile area.

The plan is to have helpers assist each son. Tang Mo and his wife will have someone help them manage the shop for the first two months, after which they have to manage on their own. Tang Xin will have some farm hands help teach him best ways of planting and growing crops until he can manage the farms on his own.

Everyone went about their separate businesses after the conversation. Tang Mo was sitting under a tree in the courtyard when he saw his elder brother coming towards him. He made room on the bench for his brother to sit. They sat silently for a while before Tang Xin broke the silence.

"You are not going to look for her?" He said it in a voice that suggested that he didn't particularly care about the topic he brought up
"Who? Chen Ruiyu? There is nothing for me to say to her." Tang Mo looked like he didn't want to talk about this subject. But sadly for him, that's what his brother wanted to talk about.
"You don't think you have anything to say to a woman you promised marriage to, wasted four years of her life then marrying another woman in a matter of months of meeting?" His tone was sharp and the nonchalance of before was replaced with a deep frown.

"I know what I did has wronged Chen Ruiyu. But I couldn't stop myself from falling for Yinran." Tang Mo has always feared his strong and formidable elder brother. He avoided his eyes when he answered. He knew that he was wrong for not explaining things to Chen Ruiyu properly. But he didn't want to upset Yinran by looking for another woman when they were already married. It's not that he didn't like Chen Ruiyu before. He did, just that one glance from Song Yinran was enough for him to forget every promise he made to the other young woman.

He knew he promised her a lot but it's better to keep his distance. Firstly, not to hurt Yinran and secondly, he thinks that Chen Ruiyu is better off without his presence making things more painful for her.
Tang Xin returned to his room after that conversation and didn't discuss that topic with Tang Mo again after that afternoon.
Tang Mo didn't know why his brother was concerned about this matter, but since his mind was already made up, he will stick to it (AN:If only you were this devoted from the start 🙄)

The week went by quickly with the Tang family arranging properties for their sons. By the beginning of the following week, Tang Mo already his shop at the market. The land demarcation had also gone pretty well for Tang Xin and now they were both preparing to start work.

Old Chen has invited a renowned matchmaker from the neighboring village to help find a good match for Yu'er. As luck would have it, all the good prospects rejected her for her age without even trying to get to know her. The men that wanted to marry her, ai, let's just say that she will be better off unmarried. Old Chen was saddened by these results and as such decided against marrying her outside of the village.

He informed the matchmaker to help match Yu'er with good men in the village. Since Yu'er was already on her way to the market, old Chen made his way to the other side of their farmland where he cultivated potatoes and some vegetables. The sun was already high up in the sky. He was already sweating before he got to the farm. Looking around as he went, he marvelled at how some of the young people in the village were working so hard. It was rare for the young men and women to be this devoted and work hard in the village instead of seeking opportunities outside. He caught sight of one young man that was busily plowing through the land. He looked strong.

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