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Chen Ruiyu smiled at him before answering.
"You could say that. What is the use of being stiff around each other when there is only two of us around to begin with." Chen Ruiyu was being honest.

Her answer had surprised him a little. She made him think of his own family. Though his parents were good to his brother and him, it was not to the point where they could jest around each other. There was always this invisible line that neither he nor his brother crossed around their parents or even between the two of them.

"Mn, you are right. Thank you again for this morning. I really enjoyed the oranges too. Can you save a jin worth of oranges for me everyday? If it's not too inconvenient for you, that is."
Really? This was the only lame excuse he could come up with so he could see her daily? Tang Xin wanted to hit himself for saying something so stupid. But before he could say anything else, Chen Ruiyu gave her answer.

"Sure, will you come to the market for it everyday?" Her voice was a little quieter but he still heard her reply clearly. She was a trader, of a regular customer has brought themselves to her door, who was she to turn down a fixed 4 copper coins per day? At least that was the reason she gave herself for agreeing to his request. Her positive answer gave him a little courage to be bolder. He stopped walking and turned to face her which made her also stop.

"How about I go to your house every evening to take it?" Then thinking that he really used all his guts, he quickly followed with
"I go to the farm pretty early and it's inconvenient to walk to the market and back before going to the farm. Besides, your house is at the same direction as mine and is easy to just get it on my way home." The only response he got this time was a small "Oh"

"How about you go back home now. We have walked a bit far from your house already and I'm sure your father is waiting for you to eat supper with him." Goodness, he never knew he could say so many words in one breathe.

They said the goodbyes and went back to their various homes (after Tang Xin made sure that Chen Ruiyu returned safely by quietly following her).
Tang Xin just learned two new things about Chen Ruiyu today. She is a chatterbox around her loved ones, and that she speaks honestly and just shares what is on her mind. These are some characteristics of women that some men might find bothersome, but he really, truly wished that Chen Ruiyu would chatter endlessly around him and also feel comfortable about sharing her genuine thoughts with him.

He knew that the matchmaker has been running around trying to find a good match for Chen Ruiyu this past month. He also knows that none of the previous matches worked out. The woman he liked was still unengaged. This was good news for him. But he didn't want to rush her, especially after the wreck his younger brother left behind. He couldn't just go to his parents to help matchmake them.

Even if they somehow successfully get married through such means, she may only be polite to him and they may not have an actual marriage where both parties liked each other. He wanted her as his wife, but more than that, he needed her to be herself around him. And so he decided, that from that day onwards, he will do his best to be her best choice for a husband. As for liking him? Mn, he is not that confident yet.

Meanwhile, Chen Ruiyu's takeaway from the entire exchange was that he was very tall and that her neck was stiff from looking up at him when he spoke to her. Ai, she has to massage it a bit during her bath tonight.

The night came with tranquility so pure that lured most villagers to sleep. One of such people was Chen Ruiyu who spent the rest of her evening gazing at the bright moon. That night, she had a dream that left her hopeful but shaken. In her dream, she lay in the arms of a man with a strong body and his touch was gentle. He would kiss her temple ever so often that the tickling feeling left her a giggling mess.

It was the satiation so deep in her soul and bones that shook her. Was this what the heavens wanted for her or has she deluded herself to the point of hallucinations? Deep within, she knew that if there is even a sliver of chance that her dream might come true, she will jump at the opportunity to feel even a tenth of love and adoration she had in her dream.

"Dear heavens, if this happiness is mine, please do not let me miss it." She went back to sleep in hopes that a miracle of that sort may actually find her. She could only hope with her whole heart.

Sometimes, being delulu is the solulu. Hope that Chen Ruiyu can find her happiness.
Happy reading!

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