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The Chen family woke up to loud knocks at their door. The matchmaker stood impatiently at the door waiting to be let in. When Chen Ruiyu finally let her in, the madam asked her to call for her father.

The three sat together in the living room. Chen Ruiyu poured freshly brewed tea for the madam and her father. After taking a sip of the hot tea, madam finally couldn't hold her news anymore.

"Old Chen, I guarantee that the future son-in-law has been found. He hid deeply and I had to dig a bit further to find him but I have. I promise, he is the perfect man for your daughter." After bragging about this prospective fiance for a lifetime, she finally gave Old Chen a chance to ask questions.

"Madam, which family's son got you to praise them to heaven and back like this?" The old man chuckled. The woman's praise was a bit exaggerated but he trusted her choice.

"Tang family eldest son. He is hardworking, from a good family, doesn't have any strange illness and is not a skirt chaser. His handsomeness is an added bonus. Tell me he is not perfect for your daughter!" The excitement in her voice told the small family that she really considered all of Tang Xin's strength before recommending him.

Old Chen was quiet for a few seconds. He really didn't think of Tang Xin as someone that could marry his Yu'er. But ... now it seems like nothing is wrong with the young man aside being related to that blond idiot. He then started recalling all the encounters he has had with the young lad in the past, and it turned out he found him very pleasing to the eyes.

"Thank you madam, we will consider this match properly and then give you an appropriate response." Old Chen sighed when he saw his daughter's dazed look. The old man saw the madam off and still met his daughter in a daze when he returned. After snapping Yu'er back to her senses, he asked her what she thought.

"It seems there is nothing wrong with him on the surface." The is probably nothing wrong with him anywhere else too, she added in her mind. Chen Ruiyu really never thought that Tang Xin and her could me matched. She had her reservations because of Tang Mo but Tang Xin has proven through their interactions that he is his own man and isn't influenced by his younger brother's behavior.

"But what will people say? Though not many people knew of Tang Mo and I, quite a few of our playmates knew. Baba, am I wrong for wanting to consider this match seriously?" Chen Ruiyu was nervous. She thought she would outright reject the match. But it seemed that......she hesitated. She wasn't able to say no strongly and that made her curious.

"No, you are not wrong. I also like him a little. He seems like a good lad. Do want your heart tells you. Think about it carefully before you give a response.

At the end of it all, your happiness is of the ought most importance." Yu'er knew that her father wished her the best, and after that dream she had she also wanted the best for herself. She was going to carefully think this match through then give her father a good response.

Happy reading, lovelies

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