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Another month went by without any good news. Chen Ruiyu had gone a five blind dates this past month alone and though these men were nice, nothing about them even whispered husband to her. If she was going to marry, than at least she will marry a man she found attractive.
She was at her stall in the market a little early today. Last week, her luck was really bad that she actually ran into Tang Mo and his wife on her way to the market. Since then she has tried her best to go early to avoid seeing even their shadows on her way to the market again. What if she sees them and market goes bad for her that day, what will she do?

A shadow fell on her as she was lost in thoughts.
"Please pack 2jin of oranges for me." A low voice said snapping her out of her thoughts. Her initial reaction after raising her head was to ask why she was so good at jinxing herself that Tang Mo came to look for her at her stall. But after a couple more seconds, she knew that was not him.
"Do you want them peeled and cut?" She asked her routine questions to know what her customer wanted as well as try to calm her disturbed nerves.
"Cut them up, I'm taking them to the farm." Her lips formed an 'O' shape from realization. She started washing the fruits, knife and bowl with water before she started peeling the oranges.
"You starting working on your family's land? Good for you." She was making small talk to distract herself from his eyes. For some reason, they were a little intense and she didn't know if she had angered him. Strange, maybe he didn't like the oranges she picked for him? Next time she will ask him to point out the ones he liked.

"You can say that, I was given some land to cultivate to start my own life." The continued their little chatter  until she was done cutting up his fruits.
"Did you bring a bowl? I need to put your fruits in it." Cut oranges can soak through paper bags and after several incidents of having fruits not reach their destination, everyone sort of started coming with bowls when they buy cut fruits.
"I'm sorry, I was on my way to the farm so I didn't take any utensils with me." Tang Xin gave a small apologetic smile. Chen Ruiyu stared at his smiling face for a bit before snapping out of it. He looked much more approachable when he smiled. She gave a little smile of her own.

"How about this, I will give you one of my bowls today. But please bring it back before I open my stall tomorrow morning." She transferred the oranges into a slightly bigger bowl and tied a piece of clean clothe around it.

She received her payment and sighed when he finally left. What was that all about? She has to say that she is surprised he bought fruits from her. Most people would have avoided her considering how his brother and her ended things. But it's also good to know that Tang Xin had a mind of his own and didn't behave rudely to her just for the sake of his brother.

Tang Xin couldn't stop the smile that took over his face after he left her stall. He didn't think he would see Chen Ruiyu. Tang Xin had decided to walk through the village this morning before going to the farm. And had somehow managed to walk all the way to the market absent mindedly. He looked around and spotted the slight changes that had happened over the years. Like the noodle stall that used to be in that corner has been turned into a small restaurant with a proper shop built. Or that the woman that used to sell apples in a basket had set up a stall selling rice and spices. Overall, Mei Gui Hua village seems to be prospering more and more. He was happy to see that. What took him by surprise is the fairly new stall to the right side that sold oranges. The oranges looked good and he decided to get some. He didn't think that it is the orange seller that would end up giving him a pleasant surprise.

He went back to his farm to continue his work for the day until a little before sunset.
The cool air at this time of the day was really enjoyable. A lot of villagers could be seen at this time just taking strolls. Tang Xin made his way to the Chen family house with the bowl and clothe from earlier in hand. He met the father and daughter duo making supper together. He paused a bit to take in the sight of Chen Ruiyu being adorable in front of her father.

"...and then the tanghulu seller became so angry, he almost dropped his goods on the ground."
"All because that mischievous boy snatched one of the skewers?" Old Chen asked in amusement
"No, it was because the mother pretended to not know what her son did and also refused to pay the tanghulu seller." The conversation continued until Tang Xin decided to knock on the gate. This drew the attention of the family to properly invite him in.
"Xiao Tang, come sit down. To what do we owe this visit?" Old Chen asked while bringing the young man to sit on a bench.
"It's nothing serious, Uncle. Chen Ruiyu was kind enough to lend me a bowl for my oranges today at the market. I'm returning it since she will need it in the morning." He gave the bowl back to the young woman and sat by the older man to make small talks. He lingered for as long as he could but couldn't anymore when it was almost time for supper.

"Yu'er, send off our guest." Old Chen insisted on this as he gently pushed his daughter towards the door.
"You and your father have such an enviable relationship." Tang Xin said as they walked out of the courtyard.

Hi lovelies, hope you had a great day?
Tell me what you think of the characters so far in the comments.
Have a good night.

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