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"I love you"
"Mmm...say it again"
"I love you, my precious Yu'er" the happy giggles that left her lips and the flush on her cheeks told anyone who looked their way that she felt the same about the man in whose arms she was laying.
"The roses bloomed so beautifully, it's such an amazing sight. A lovely view."
"Ah, but I think my wife is the most beautiful. The roses lose their beauty in your presence."
"Ahhh, why is your mouth so sweet today? Did you eat honey?"
"I didn't but I think you are sweeter."
"Mmm, you are going to spoil me rotten. Don't blame me for being clingy."
"I'm afraid that you won't cling onto me enough. Your husband can afford to spoil you more, as long as my Yu'er is happy."

Chen Ruiyu woke up with tears in her eyes. That dream was so beautiful that she didn't want to return to reality. She has been having similar dreams for the past week. Though she still can't see the face of the man on the dream, the voice is similar to Tang Xin. She doesn't know if it's because of the matchmaking or that the heavens were telling her something but she believed that the man in her dreams is Tang Xin.

In the beginning, she didn't want to consider Tang Xin as a match because she doesn't want to see Tang Mo's face. But her mind has changed. If Tang Xin is really that man that will love her, why should she give it up for one Tang Mo? Even ten Tang Mos cannot stop her from her happiness. Her mind was made up, if Tang Xin accepts the match then she will immediately marry him. If he doesn't accept, Chen Ruiyu will try to change his mind first before she gives up.

Tang Xin has been coming to her house every evening for his oranges. When he comes by later this evening, she will try to sound him out. And so the day went, Chen Ruiyu finished her chores then went to the market to trade. In the evening, she cooked earlier and urged her father to have an early supper. She then waited patiently on a stool by the gate with freshly squeezed orange juice with some pastry she made in the morning. She of course did not forget the jin of cut oranges.

Chen Ruiyu looked as Tang Xin approached her compound. His basket that was carried at his back had his farming tools and farm clothes. His hair looked at little wet. This is not a new sight to Chen Ruiyu though. He always had this look that said he had washed up before coming to see her, or rather, coming for his oranges.

"Chen Ruiyu, good evening"
"Good evening, Tang Xin. I will go escort you now."
"Okay" they walked in silence for a while before Chen Ruiyu spoke.
"I need to talk to you about something, can we find a quiet place to talk?" She knew he wouldn't reject her request. Tang Xin was nothing if not polite and she found him to be considerate so she wants to speak freely. If she doesn't grab her chance, she will only have herself to blame.
"Let's walk forward a little to where the cherry blossom tree is. People rarely use that route so we can speak with ease."

Tang Xin set his farm clothes on the floor and invited Chen Ruiyu to sit. He himself sat on one of the protruding roots of the big tree.
"Forgive how shabby this is. I hope I didn't offend you by making you sit on the ground?" He really felt uneasy. Firstly, he could only let her sit on those shabby farm clothes. Secondly, he was unaware why she suddenly wanted to speak to him. A thought flashed in his head but he refused to pay it any more mind.

"Here, this is the oranges you bought. Take this also, I made too much pastry and juice today. It will be a wasted if we can't finish it all." Chen Ruiyu gave the package in her hand to him as though it was no big deal. Tang Xin would have believed her too if not for how red her ears were.
Ah, she is so cute when she blushed. Her ears looked like they were about to drip blood. In order not to reveal her secret, Tang Xin readily received the package and thanked her .

If not for his rushing blood and loud heartbeat, Tang Xin could have convinced himself that he was calm. But he could barely keep himself from jumping around like a rabbit from happiness. Ahhh, Chen Ruiyu gifted him food she made herself! Wait, did this mean she also liked him?

"Uh, I believe that you know about the matchmaking. I want to know what you think of it?" Chen Ruiyu said carelessly but secretly clenched her fists in her sleeves.
"What do I think of the matchmaking between our families?" Tang Xin repeated dumbly. Of all the things he expected her to ask, this is really not part of that list. He could only open and close his mouth like a fish.
Chen Ruiyu took a look at his expression and almost wanted to cry. She knew things wouldn't be easy! He looks like he doesn't have any designs on her at all!

"The matchmaker has already spoken to my father and I wanted to know what your thoughts were. But since you don't seem interested in the match, I will tell my father to reject it too." She really wanted to cry now. But she had to be graceful. He may reject her now but if she is tactful about it, there may be a chance in the future.
Tang Xin couldn't hear a word she said after the word 'reject'. His mind went blank, then that quickly turned to panic when what she said finally registered
"Wait a minute! Who said I was going to reject the match?"

"You didn't have to say it, it was written all over your face!" She was losing her composure. But she really could not swallow the discomfort.
"But I don't want to reject our match? Chen Ruiyu tell me if I did or say something wrong. Don't be impulsive and reject our match." Tang Xin could careless about the panic that could be heard in his voice. They were both standing now and Chen Ruiyu looked like she would run home to tell her father not to accept their match at anytime. And she seemed to think that he was the cause? In as much as he wanted to clear his name, he wanted to let her drop the idea of rejecting him more.

"Chen Ruiyu, tell me where you think we are unfit for each other? I personally think that we are quite fated. Be it personality or work, we fit quite well. As for other qualities, we can slowly learn about each other. There is no rush, so could you please not reject our match?" Now it was Chen Ruiyu's turn to be dumbfounded. It seems...it seems to not have been the way she thought. Ah, that's a relief! Wait, did this mean that he wanted to marry her too? Mmm, not bad. Deserving of the made she wanted to marry. He is not blind and could recognize a good thing. Chen Ruiyu tried her best to not let her excitement show on her face. But, alas, her ears betrayed her again.

"Okay, then I won't let my father reject. It's getting dark, get home safe. I'm going back now." She threw the words over her shoulders as she hurried back home. Tang Xin stood under the cherry blossom tree looking at her retreating back. Ah, she was almost skipping. She was happy and it showed through her steps. That's a new discovery. Chen Ruiyu was so cute, he didn't know what to do. He quietly picked up his things and also hurried home. He couldn't wait to be in his room so he could smile as foolishly as he wants.

Looks like there will be a wedding soon.
Happy reading, lovelies 😘

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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