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Hey guys!! This chapter is dedicated to my few fans _yet to become many.ur support mean the world 💞💞💞💖🙏

Our brains are literally our safes, like literally the most vital organs in our bodies. I know many may beg to differ but seriously,  just how many cases have you heard by chance, that  their hearts are supposedly beating but their brains are dead and therefore as a result, end up in a coma till their end of time or actually die immediately?? Yet we still don't recognize our brains for what they are. Something else is that our brains never snitch us for our occasionally evil thoughts or actions. And if they did snitch, then am hundred percent sure that there would be no thieves let alone serial killers or rapists or any bad guys. Apparently, I am realizing this fact and thanking our Maker for that privacy because I am pretty sure I'd already be dead if my brothers knew what I was planning in my tiny head. I had decided I was going to find dad on my own, with or without anyone's help. I was going to do this, even if it was going to be the last thing I ever did in my life, I had promised myself so and no one could change my mind about that.

My relationship with mum was pretty damaged and I had decided to try and start some damage control. After All, who would be better to question about dad's behaviorism on his last seen days than  mum? So I had began looking around for her. Unfortunately,she was nowhere to be found. I had searched her room, the kitchen and in our little mango farm but she was not insight. Let's say I had already given up when I took sight of her  beside the swimming . Seeing her in ludicrous  two piece-beach attire as she stretched her body under the parasol, made my body blow yet I still felt like laughing-bitterly. Here I was thinking that mum would at least have the decency to act like she was worried about dad. While in the real sense ,mum looked like she was having the time of the world. I  could bet my life right now that she was involved or actually behind dad going missing and if she wasn't, then she somehow knew that this was going to happen eventually. And that was the reason I was going to patch up things with her so I could try to pry information out of her . Perhaps I was wrong in my judging, but could you  judge me, I mean,she was the one who chose to act the way she did, she was the one who hated me. What did she expect? For me to love her unconditionally? I walked closer and stood beside her.
"Hey mum, whatcha doing?"
I don't know what I had expected, but it was definitely not what she said.
"Huh,what does it look like am doing? Eating? Cut me the crap and just go to the point,what do you want?" For a second, I forgot how to speak. I always wondered what I really did to make her hate me so bad.
"I just wanted to know how you are holding up."I murmured, no longer in my element. I saw  something flash in her eyes_pain? Sorrow? But as fast as it appeared, it disappeared and her emotionless plain face took over. "Am doing fine and you can go now!"she nearly yelled.
I stumbled and nearly fell on her (how wonderful!!!) and only caught the recliner just in time. Mum stiffened and her breathe caught. I frowned, what was she worried about? Her face was closer since now I was leaning_ and suddenly_ I realized how different her facials looked. First of all, she had  a fading black eye that I had somehow never sighted. And now that I was looking at her from a close range,I noticed that she had tiny bruises allover her face. Her body had bigger bruises though, her skimpy bikini top allowed me to see  her badly bruised  cleavage. To say I was confounded was the understatement of the year, I was beyond stupefied!!! What the fuck??!!
Mum must have followed the line of my eyesight because she tried to cover her body with her hands and I moved some steps back. I tried to speak, anything really, but my mouth couldn't move. So I did what am surely good at, I ran away and didn't even try looking behind.
My head was in a whirl. I mean, it's not everyday you realize your mom was probably in an abusive marriage and she simply remained stoic about it. Not just that but the mere thought that dad was the one who laid his hands on mum made me sick.  Woman to woman,  I totally understood her act of not minding if dad was missing or dead. At this point I wouldn't even be surprised if she ordered it herself. I mean, had I known earlier, I would have killed the man myself. God, for how long had I been blind? Dad had always loved me, no at this point I don't know if he actually loved me, people who love,care for them and clearly caring didn't include hurting them. It was disheartening knowing all this time I blamed mum and saw her evil while it was dad who  really was the evil one. There had always been gaps, weird situations I suppose, but I had never thought deeply about them.  Like when mum had gone for nearly a month, only for her to come back in bandages all over supposedly being attacked by a gang. My brothers had argued with dad for nearly a fortnight,then they ceased fire. Perhaps dad had battered mum and she'd nearly died. I felt so terrible for never recognizing earlier. Perhaps my brothers were right,as much as I wanted to believe it was a misunderstanding, that dad was a saint, I couldn't. The evidence had been tabled. I would be foolish not to read through the lines.

Hey guys ,first and foremost, I want to urge you to comment. It takes hours to update and it's really hard to get motivated all the time. Anyway, that aside ,thank you for checking out my book.             Question of the day;
How far would you go, to find the truth?

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Love ya!!! See you in the next chapter 😂😂

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