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Am in the mood for motivating Sb,it means whatever you want it to mean,so here u go;

I believe if Life gives you Lemons, you should make Lemonade.... And try to find someone whose life has given them Vodka and have a Party.
By Ron .W
Soooo, apparently,this is the chapter ,where Shit gets real and um...ur Girl, Jessica or Sam, officially, becomes, Messi.
This chapter,has 3 POVs (point of views) FYI.
So sit back ,relax,and bloody ENJOY the RIDE.👍🩸

Jessica 's Pov
They say anyone can go without food for three weeks  to utmost thirty days so long as water is available. No food no water utmost for four days. What they should have added to that fact is that some people can't do without food. People like me, apparently. Seriously, I only missed lunch and supper and yet my stomach can't give me  a damn break. It's grumbling consistently. Hell, I turned and tossed until the clock hit Midnight. Bro,it was that serious.
Giving in,I stealthily tiptoed to the kitchen,all my fingers crisscrossed hoping against hope that no one would hear me. That would be absofuckinglutely humiliating.
Opening the Fridge,I grabbed the bowl of pasta and began digging in. After I took another bowl but of icecream .who takes icecream at night?? Me and please keep ur judgements to yourself!!!
I was about to move upstairs when I heard noise yet I couldn't exactly pinpoint where it was coming from.
Now,any Moviemaniac like me,knows you don't go investigating any noise especially when alone. I wasn't going to,then a stupid thought occurred to me- what could probably happen to me when I was at home??I mean for all I knew, maybe it was actually my brothers trying to freak me out. Then again  this was no Horror Film.So courageously, I went to check the living room. Everything looked fine. Dining room too. I gave up and walked back to the kitchen.
I only turned to grab an apple drink from the fridge when I felt the Hairs at the back of my neck Rise. I froze. Dropping the drink, I screamed only  for someone to block my nose and mouth with a wet cloth. My knees gave in and I fell into somebody 's arms. One thing Very clear in my head was that this was no doing of my brothers. Someone had broken into our home. I was Soo

             Third person's POV
The room was dark with only enough Light to see a bit of everything around. Jessica was tied to an old rickety chair with zip wires that unconsciously dug in her skin. The walls were bloody probably supporting it's name _Torture room. Rainbow had been staring at her for quite some time now. On his hand was a bucket of ice cold water. He was supposed to have poured it on her minutes ago but was hesitant. She was by far the most beautiful woman or girl,she looked way too young,he had had to torture for information or ever laid his eyes on,and that was saying a lot since he was a lady's man. With that Angelic face of hers,she looked naive and too innocent....he doubted she could even kill a fly...and that only made him wonder who she was and what she'd done to ever make his boss want to have her abducted. Guilty people deserved this life,and he could bet his life she was innocent. But anyway, who was he to judge? She might as well,be the Devil incarnate.
Just like him.
People always underestimated him and that,they would soon come to discover as their biggest mistake of their lives. You see when you are an underdog,no one sees you coming. That's the pleasure of being one,you get to surprise them
Big time. He could hardly count the many times he'd kidnapped, killed and manipulated,all for his boss. He was a man peaceful with himself and other men... Until his boss wanted you Dead. The job more than paid well,he couldn't lie about that,hell, he'd reached a certain point in Life that he switched cars like he did socks. The only demerit about the job was the Nightmares that accompanied it. Sleeping was his biggest fear because___
The door was pushed open and the third in command aka mini boss walked in. He poured the bucket on the drugged girl .
She awoke with a start, coughing, sneezing and shivering Like they all did. The mini boss was known as ruthless for a reason,and he sympathized with the girl.
Mini boss glared at a whimpering Jessica and motioned for Rainbow to hand him his knife.
Extorting information from people wasn't really hard _you just needed a little Psychology to know what buttons to press for them to break.
"Where is he?"
She didn't speak which only irritated mini boss more. He dragged the knife deeper into her right Cheek drawing blood..
"Who?"she croaked
"Your half arsed excuse of a dad? Who fucking else?"
"I don't know..."he moved the blade to her neck and she froze.
" We don't have time for games ,kitten,we either do this the hard way or the easy way. Take ya pick."
"Am telling you the damn Truth ,I fucking don't know!" Mini boss sneered  at her attempt to have guts and only drove the knife deeper that her pretty neck oozed blood.
"Don't fucking try me!!"
"He fucking disappeared without a trace,how the hell would I know!!!"
Mini boss sneaked the knife in her mouth and her eyes widened in shock. He stood and paced back and forth.
"I guess we take this to the next level,huh wonder how I thought it would be easier with her!"he yelled and kicked the chair down,with the knife still in her mouth.... Rainbow looked away.....

       Messi/Jessica POV
I kept coming into and out of unconsciousness. I no longer could tell the days or nights I  was  spending in that dark hole. They never bothered to provide me food,not like I would have taken it despite my obvious hunger. One, because it most likely would have been poisoned. Two,food brought me into this mess, although something tells me  they would  still have kidnapped me only they were supposed to find me sleeping and not eating. It still remained a mystery how no one saved me yet I definitely screamed. Something was off,I could feel it.
My head was buzzing with pain,my throat was sore from bleeding back then when that man thrusted a knife in my mouth and from Soo much drying up. Literally,my whole body was aching from sitting on that chair for Soo long. My hands were numb from being tired up for long. I was so damn tired. I continued to zone in and out until four guys stormed in the room. Two I could recognize from my earlier contact with them while the other two I didn't. The two,I couldn't recognize seemed pissed off,so much I knew this was bad news. One was older like a dad while the other the son since I could see they had similarities. For the record ,the young guy was absolutely handsome and I  was triple sure had  we met in normal circumstances I  would  definitely have done something about it. That didn't  mean I didn't have the hotties for him though_what the hell was wrong with me? Here I was thinking about some hookup yet I wasn't even sure I would get out alive. Damn me? No , screw you!
The older approached me so, menacingly I could tell I was a dead man walking. He tilted my chin upwards so I could see his shrewd grey eyes. For a second,they seemed watery but gone as fast as it had appeared.
"Am only giving you one bloody chance. You don't  wanna know how bad I can mess your life. Now where the fuck is your dad?"
I  blinked, what was I supposed to say, I kept repeating the truth yet somehow they thought I was lying. This man would definitely kill me but what could I do? Something told me even if I tried to shut up , either way, I would definitely turn up dead. Here goes nothing....

"I'll say this again and again, I don't know where dad is, no one does,you might as well stop wasting your time."

Silence ensured right after I spoke up,you could hear  a pin drop .

The guys stared at me,hard, then the old guy, seemingly, the Big boss, snapped his fingers. Immediately,a table was brought and put infront of me. I was still wondering what they were upto when the guy ordered the younger guy,son,I mean,to hand him a knife. It was a nine inch blade,if that doesn't scare you,I don't know what does.

"Well, well I tried to warn you."  Big boss freed my hands by cutting the zip wires.
"I swear am telling the truth, I don't know who told you I  know his whereabouts but they obviously lied. "

"If you say so,but I still need to deliver a gift to them ."he murmured and for some reason I shivered in worry.

One minute all was calm then the next ,it was a storm. The other three guys suddenly grabbed my hands to the table. Two were holding my hands while the hot guy was pushing me down with his weight so I couldn't move a fucking muscle. Of course I didn't get what they were upto,until it was too late .
"Forgive me Jessica,it gives me no pleasure hurting a child, even if you are my enemy,but this is a war, there has to be innocent people like you caught in the Crossfire ,but what I intend to do is send your family  a finger from your right hand...."
Immediately, I tried to pull my hand back but they seemed to  have been expecting it and only  tightened their hold on ME. My fingers were splayed on the table, helplessly. He reached out and grabbed my  little finger. That was the on he had chosen.
And the knife began its journey.....

As usual don't forget to vote.  Thoughts on our Messi or mysterious hot guy? See ya when you see Me🤔?

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