EAST WEST Home is the BEST

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Griffin was between the Devil and the blue Sea.
This was perhaps among the hardest decisions he had to make. His sister was still missing. Two weeks,five days . The man behind her  kidnap,  was a loose cannon ball,he could fulfill his part but not get his sister. There wasn't even a way to tell that she was still alive.  It could all be in vain, but it was better than doing nothing, his delay might as well cost them a lot.  Speaking of which,he had been heading to his room, and looking at the surroundings,this wasn't his room but hers.
The room was decorated with pictures and more pictures.
She had always said that happiness was captured in memories,and memories could only be captured by pictures or clips. Now looking at the beautiful room, he couldn't help but agree. The room smelt of warmth and home, it was that comfy.

Griffin breathed heavily, suddenly feeling like the room was suffocating him.

He got out and decided to take a moment outside. Just then he heard a piercing scream that could only be from his mother. Jesus Christ, what was it this time round?

He slowly climbed the fleet of stairs only to fund everyone already assembled looking towards the door mouth agape.

That's when he saw her.  His sister, very much alive  but deathly pale and  so thin.
She looked broken, bartered and bruised. She just stood beside the door  staring at anything and everything.


After staring so much at me, they all  moved at the same time to hug  me. I couldn't find it within me to hug them back, not  just because I was angry at them, but I was dog tired, every muscle ached not to mention they were reopening the wounds on my arms that had long stopped bleeding.
After those bear hugs that rendered me breathless, they began speaking at the same time. I couldn't even tell what they were saying, so I stopped trying.  The house was a mess, with piles of dirty utensils nearly everywhere . This was very much unlike our mother who's best saying had been,' cleanliness is next to Godliness.'

Someone tapped my shoulders.
It was mother. When had she closed the distance between us?
The others were quiet now , I noticed.
Mother was saying something, I could see her lips moving, but I couldn't hear a thing, I couldn't even recall her voice.
Her eyes were beetroot red, the usual spark in her eyes gone, her facials sagged, she was thinner. But all the same , she was just as beautiful.
I looked down at my feet that were full of mud and dirtifying mother's favourite carpet. If she wasn't so shocked, I bet she could be screaming about her favourite carpet and  just how much cash she'd  spent on it.

Speaking of which, I badly needed a  bath, holy Heavens, didn't I  stink?  I was a grotesque sight, the scratches on my limbs looked pretty disgusting with their purplish colour, my cheeks were stained with mascara , so I nearly looked like a ghost with my hair all over the place.
The shirt that I wore had gotten so torn, that it was hardly recognizable.
Mother grabbed my chin, forcing me to look at her.
She was still speaking.
".... so so sorry dear...."
It felt like she was miles away from me, while in real sense there was hardly a centimetre between us.

Suddenly I felt the tired, my eyes felt heavy, exhaustion finally kicking in, after the adrenaline in my veins stopped rushing. My legs were weary, so much, that I was convinced I couldn't spend another second standing  without leaning on mother.

I forced myself to hug mother, since she looked like she needed it more than I did. The irony.
I patted her back several times before moving away from her , I needed to get to my room.
I appreciated the fact that no one decided to follow me. I quite needed my personal space.
It took me every whisp of my strength to endure the stairs, but I did it, I  immediately headed to the bathroom. Despite my exhaustion, I needed a shower.
There was nothing good like the first two minutes in the shower,it was simply Heavenly.

I grabbed my shower gel and began scrubbing the filth out of my body.
My skin burned but I gave it less  thought.

I suppose I spent hours in the shower, trying to cleanse myself.
But nothing could change the fact that my innocence had been snatched away, and nothing could change that.
Tears streamed like a river, down my cheeks.

It took me another whole hour to pick up my pieces. The deed was done, I had do what I did, else I would have remained their sex slave forever.
Something changed in that moment, as I lay on the cold floor unable to stand.
I could never explain it, but one thing was as clear as crystal, the light in me had gone, conquered  by the darkness in me. Well ,  I suppose that   made me toughen, since I would rise to be a cold blooded murderer...

I left the bathroom, in a towel.
Too exhausted to change, I entered in bed and slept like a log.


Griffin held his mother until her sobs quitened. To say they were shocked, was perhaps the understatement of the year.
They were horrified, gobsmacked more like it.
She had changed and not for the good, that much was evident.
Griffin took his mother to her room . He too needed space.

He went to the gym room. Hitting the punching bag continuously, he knew he would make them pay, that much he  was sure, even if it was the last thing he did. He would serve justice to his sister, even it meant bringing his head on a silver platter. So long as his sister was avenged for...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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