(Chapter 3) Part 4: Names

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Walking up the grassy path to a small backroom door, Dan pulls out a key and inserts it into the door's lock, and opening it after a quick twist, pushing it inwards. Walking through, they see dilapidated halls with concrete walls with metal supports along them, and old rusted machine to the left corner of the small room and a doorway to their left. Following the doorway and turning right after it, they walk into a small hallway into another room with a cutout of Catbee to their left and a doorway to their right, leading to yet another room with a door to their left.

Walking through it, they enter a giant room that's filled will empty cardboard boxes, catwalks, and other various things that seemed to be either destroyed or abandoned. Ahead of them, they see a giant machine with three capsules on top (the one on the far right filled with a red gas).

Dan whistles, "Wow, this is big."

Ollie then speaks through the phone, "Welcome to the Gas Production Zone, the beating heart of the whole Evil Playcare system."

Nearic blinks, "Evil?"

Dan and Hoppy look at each other as Ollie continues, "All that gas you see coming from the machine is made right here in the factory. It's called 'The Red Smoke.'"

Nearic huffs with a small smile, "Could've told you that, I lived here, remember?"

Ollie giggles childishly, "Right, I forget that there was an escapee all those years ago."

Nearic puffs up his chest, making Hoppy roll er eyes as she smirks, Nearic saying, "Why thank you."

Dan scoffs amusedly as Ollie explains, "Anyways, right now, all the red smoke is headed off to the right. We need to make that Red Smoke go left instead. That's how we can get him."

They all start approaching the machine, Dan just standing in the middle of the room with the phone in hand, Nearic inspecting the cables connected to the large machine, while Hoppy walks up to the console itself.

Ollie then adds, "The machine will probably have a few dumb safeguards for you to work around," Hoppy presses the big red button, getting nothing but a BEEP in response, "but I think you can do it."

Nearic deadpans at his aunt as he says, "If by 'Safeguards' you mean needing power to work, then yeah, obviously."

Ollie finishes, "I'll call you when it's done." ending the call.

Dan pockets the phone away, "Alright, guess we have to find where these cables lead to and give them power."

Nearic nods, "Well, there's four cables to power, two of them lead to that blue battery socket near the door there." Pointing to the right of the room to a bigger battery socket, glowing bright blue, that sits left of a locked yellow door, which sits left of a smaller green battery socket, "While the other two lead to that room over there, there's a circuit puzzle in there that's got to be solved to power the cables." He says as he points to a room right of the locked door, only opening inside being a window that's slightly broken.

Hoppy groaned, "Puzzles, I hate puzzles."

Dan smirks, "Don't worry Hops, I can handle the puzzles, we just need to find a way inside."

Hoppy cracks her knuckles, "Oh, I can do that." And starts walking up to the window.

Nearic's eyes widen before getting in front of her, "No wait!"

She stops and looks down at him, "What, we need to get in there, don't we?"

Nearic nods, "Yeah, but that window is right up against a console, we might need that to be operational for the puzzle, and it might not be that way if we literally break in."

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