Accident or Destiny

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Back at the noodle shop, Po and Yue are serving the customers at their tables. However, Po struggles to squeeze through the small gaps, while Yue had it much easier due to her slimmer form. Po accidentally knocks into a table.

Pig Customer: Hey, watch it, Po!

Po: Oh, sorry. Suck it up. *Sucks in stomach*

His belly gets stuck between two tables, and in his attempt to lift himself free, Po accidentally sticks his tail puff into a rabbit family's soup bowl, making the rabbit children cry.

Po: Oops, sorry! A thousand pardons.

Yue: Do you need any help, Po?

Po: N-No, I'm good.

Yue: *Snorts* You sure?

Po: Yep, I'm good. *Struggling*

Yue: Ok, if you say so.

Yue continues serving plates. She gets to one table with two customers. She gave them their plates and was about to leave until the sheep customer spoke up.

Sheep Customer: Excuse me? What exactly is in this bowl?

Yue: Uh... noodles.

Sheep Customer: *Suspicious* And there's nothing else in this bowl?

Yue groaned. Here we go again.

Yue: I mean, there's soup. And a few vegetables. That's pretty much how the noodles are generally served.

Sheep Customer: *Suspicious* Did you happen to add anything else in these... noodles?

Yue: *Annoyed* Why would I add something else to the noodles? My dad would blow his top if I did. Plus, I'm not my brother, putting metal throwing stars in it. *Turns to Po* No offense, Po.

Po: *Offscreen* None taken.

Sheep Customer: Well, I don't trust your kind to handle my food. For all I know, you could've put-

The sheep was about to continue until he was stopped by a pig customer sitting next to him.

Female Pig Customer: Will you stop that! Yue is the sweetest fox here; she would never do anything like that. So, stop! *Turns to Yue* I'm so sorry, dear.

Yue: Oh. It's fine. *chuckles* No need to worry.

Yue turned away to get back to work, both the customers unaware of the fact her face turned into a hurt expression as she grabbed her shoulders. For as long as she can remember, she has been a victim of racism. Everyone she meets accuses her of being untrustworthy, deceiving, and sly, all because she is a fox. And a red fox at that. She claims it doesn't bother her, but in fact. It does bother her. It hurt every time something like that was said. It made her uncomfortable in her own skin. It caused such low self-esteem in her. It's always been like this since she was a kid and into her adult years. Yue always put up a facade of not caring about what others say, though it unintentionally made her seem uncaring or even arrogant. She never told anyone about how much the words hurt her because she didn't want to burden anyone. Not even her own family. She would always say that she's fine, when in reality, it was far from the truth.

Yue was interrupted by a gong sound that caught her attention. She and Po turn to see a group of Palace staff putting up a poster on the restaurant wall.

Po: What? *Runs up to the poster* Master Oogway is choosing the Dragon Warrior Today! *Puts down the noodle bowls* Everyone! Everyone! Go, get to the Jade Palace. One of the five is going to get the scroll!

Po began ushering all the customers while Yue finished serving her last bowl.

Po: *To a customer* We've been waiting a thousand years for this- just take the Bowl *Runs to a bunny with coins* this is the greatest day in Kung Fu history, don't worry about it, just go! *Goes over to Yue* Come on, Yue, we're going to miss the tournament!

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