Not Fine

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In the Training Hall, Shifu is sitting in meditation, surrounded by candles. His inner turmoil causes him to fidget incessantly.

Shifu: Inner peace... inner peace... i-in... in-in...inner peace.

A very faint flapping sound in the distance does not help matter. Eventually, he turns around.

Shifu: Would whoever is making that flapping sound quiet down!

Silence. Satisfied, Shifu resumes his meditation.

Shifu: Inner...

WUMP. A goose drops in from the open ceiling. Scowling, Shifu gets up but smiles when he sees who it is.

Shifu: Oh, Zeng. Excellent. I could use some good news right now.

Zeng hesitates. He has anything but good news.

Zeng: Uh...

Minutes later, Shifu is rushing up Peach Tree Hill. Oogway stands under the tree, slowly performing Tai Chi movements, blossom petals floating elegantly from the branches.

Shifu: Master! Master!


Shifu: *Out of breath* I have... it's... it's very bad news.

Oogway: Oh, Shifu. There is just news. There is no good or bad.

Shifu: Master, your vision... your vision was right! Tai Lung has broken out of prison! He's on his way!

Oogway pauses for a moment.

Oogway: That is bad news... if you do not believe that the Dragon Warriors can stop him.

Shifu: The panda and the fox? Master, that panda and the fox are not the Dragon Warriors. They weren't even meant to be here... it was an accident!

Oogway: There are no accidents.

Shifu: *Sighs* Yes, I know. You've said that already. Twice.

Oogway: Well, that was no accident either.

Shifu: *Holds up three fingers* Thrice.

Oogway: My old friend, the panda and the fox, will never fulfill their destiny, nor you yours, until you let go of the illusion of control.

Shifu is incredulous and confused.

Shifu: Illusion?

Oogway: Yes. Look at this tree, Shifu.

Oogway looks up at the tree's branches, where blossom petals continue to fall.

Oogway: I can not make it blossom when it suits me, nor make it bear fruit before its time.

Shifu: But there are things we can control.

Shifu kicks the tree, and a hundred peaches fall to the ground. Oogway gazes at him in silence.

Shifu: I can control when the fruit falls!

A peach falls on his head: he growls, and Oogway chuckles.

Shifu: And I can control...

Shifu tosses a peach in the air, leaps up, and splits it with a chop, freeing the seed.

Shifu: ... where to plant the seed... hi-yah!

Shifu punches the ground, creating a small hole. The seed falls into his paw.

Shifu: That is no illusion, Master!

He tosses the seed into the hole.

Oogway: Ah, yes.

The Panda and the Fox Reboot: Kung Fu PandaWhere stories live. Discover now