A Story Served with Radishes and Cabbages

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In the Musicians' Village, a warning bell is rung by a terrified rabbit as a pig narrowly dodges a large arrow that embeds itself into the ground, connected to a higher cliff by a rope. Several arrows strike the rooftops and ground before Boss Wolf (the large one-eyed wolf), and his soldiers zip-line down to the village.

Boss Wolf: Get all the metal you can find!

Villagers duck and flee as the wolves break into houses and grab pots, pans, and musical instruments.

Boss Wolf: Grab the metal!

Pig: Help, help, help, help, help!

The pig from earlier frantically climbs into a bell to hide... and is trapped inside as the bell is rolled towards the loot pile.

Boss Wolf: That's everything! Let's get out of here!

The wolves tie the metal up into bundles.

Pig: Oh no!

Suddenly, the sound of Po letting out a cry can be heard in the distance, which Boss Wolf hears.

Po: Wooooooooooooooohooo!

Off in the distance, Po, Yue, and the Five were running along a cliffside to the village's aid.

Po: Wings of justice!

Po dives off the cliff towards the village far below.

Po: Yeeeeha... AAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!

Po freaks as he realizes his mistake.

Yue: Crane! Catch him!

Crane: On it!

Crane manages to catch him and drop him onto another cliff ledge. Po leaps off this smaller cliff and dives towards the village with Yue and the Five on either side before landing (again with Crane's help) in front of the wolf soldiers.

All of them: *Lands* Ha!

Po is facing the wrong way.

Yue: Po, wrong way.

Po: Huh? *Switches round* Ha!

Villagers: Yay! The Dragon Warriors!

Boss Wolf: Huh? A panda? That's impossible.

Boss Wolf looks at Yue and notices her eyes. He paused. They looked exactly like hers... Eyes as green as precious jade stone.

Boss Wolf: *Under his breath* She has her eyes...

Po: My fist hungers for justice.

Po's stomach rumbles. The Five stare and Yue stare at him.

Po: That was my... fist.

Boss Wolf: Get them!

Po: C'mon!

Yue: Let's do it!

The forces clash. Po and Yue dodge every bladed attack coming their way. Po kicks wolf into a gong while Yue evades four wolves coming at her by jumping up in air, using a bamboo stick as support as she watches the wolves crash into each other before falling to the ground. Monkey claps cymbals around a wolf's head. Mantis carries a strumming bunny to safety, then shatters a wolf's two swords. Viper takes on two wolves.

Viper: Take that!

Tigress dispatches three wolves. Three archers take aim and fire at Po.

Mantis: Po! Incoming!

He flings three disks to block the arrows.

Po: Thanks, Mantis!

He and Yue begin to duel multiple wolves, with Po using two metal instruments, all the while Yue defends the strumming bunny in the process. They're soon set upon by a dozen wolves, narrowly dodging many projectiles as they both end up on a roof.

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