No Pain No Gain

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(So, in case you guys were wondering, I won't be doing a story for Kung Fu Panda 4. The reason should be pretty obvious. The movie wasn't good. It's nowhere near levels of God awful like Megamind 2, but it wasn't the best. It felt like a big cash grab instead of a sequel, and I won't forgive how they treated Tai Lung. He was marketed to make a big return, and many fans were hoping for him to get a redemption arc, only to get misleaded as he barely did anything in the movie. In my personal opinion, Zhen was just a nothing character to me and didn't deserve to be the next Dragon Warrior, and Chameleon was an okay villain, I just wish she was written a little bit better. Honestly, I knew the movie was going to fail when I saw who the director was. It was the same guy who directed the first Trolls movie. Now, the Trolls' movies aren't bad. In fact, Trolls 2 is one of my favorite movies. It's just that those movies' tones don't mix with KFP. And from what I heard about how the Co-Director was treated, it makes the situation even more sad. Anyway, I hope you understand. I don't know what plans DreamWorks has in store for KFP 5, but I pray it'll be an improvement compared to what we got. )

Shifu leads Po and Yue into the Training Hall, where the panda and fox (mostly Po) are struck speechless as they see the Furious Five combating the various deadly stages of the course. Crane is deflecting arrows while balancing on half of a jade-colored turtle shell. Then Tigress leaps onto the shell and briefly spars with him. Meanwhile, Mantis weaves his way through an army of wooden crocodile warriors. Viper evades fire spurts on the Field of Fiery Death. Monkey swings across the seven-talon rings. Tigress dodges the swinging spiked clubs on spinning serpent logs, then smashes one with her bare fists. Two pieces of the club come flying over to the siblings. While Yue quickly dodges one piece, one strikes Po on the head. In her head, Yue was starting to regret her decisions.

Shifu: Let's begin.

Po: Wait, wait, wait! What? *He stares at the fearsome course in front of him* Now?

Shifu: Yes, now. Unless you think that the great Oogway was wrong, and you are not the Dragon Warrior?...

Po: Well-

Yue: *Annoyed* Okay, first of all, we never denied the fact that we were the Dragon Warrior's, or the fact that Oogway was wrong. You're the only one who's saying all these things. If anything, you're the one who believes Oogway was wrong. Right, Po?

Po just laughs awkwardly, not wanting part of this conversation.

Po: Well... I don't know if we can do all these moves...

Shifu: Well, we don't know unless we try.

He begins walking along the side of the course. Po follows.

Po: Uh, yeah.... it's just... maybe we can find something more suited to our level.

Shifu: And what level would that be.

Po: Well, you know, we're not masters, but uh, let's just start at zero. Level Zero.

Yue: Level zero?

Shifu: *Laughs* There's no such thing as level zero.

Po: Well, maybe we can start with that.

Po points and runs over to a friendly-looking bandit dummy.

Yue: *Disbelief* You're joking, right?

Shifu: That? We use that for training children. And for propping the door open when it's hot. But if you insist...

At that moment, the Five gather around the siblings.

Po: Whoa. The Furious Five. You're so much bigger than your action figures. Except for you, Mantis. You're about the same.

The Panda and the Fox Reboot: Kung Fu PandaWhere stories live. Discover now