Chapter #14

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Chapter #14

Sept 2nd 2008

Scarlett's POV

I guess I fell asleep after Jan did. I wake up to someone knocking on my trailer door shit I've got a sleeping six foot four scotswoman on me and I don't want to wake her because she's been having trouble sleeping. "MRS. JOHANSSON YOU ARE NEEDED ON SET!!" They shout waking her up. "Huh? WHAT DAE YE WANT!!" She shouts. "MRS. JOHANSSON IS NEEDED ON SET!" They yell back sounding confused. "I'LL BE RIGHT OUT!!" I yell and they respond with a yes ma'am before leaving. "Ye should go." Jan says slowly getting up, making me cold. She's very warm. "I'm sorry they woke you. I know you've been having trouble sleeping." I say. "I dinnae hide it that well did I?" She asks with a chuckle. "No you didn't." I tell her, putting on my clothes and she does the same. "Please at least try and get some sleep. There is a bed back there." I say pointing to the back of the trailer. "I did see that. And I'll try I cannae promise that I'll be able tae sleep tae much." She says. "I know but please try and Baby if you have a nightmare have a crew member come get me. I don't want you to suffer alone." I say cupping her cheek the other night I found her curled into a ball on the floor by our bed. "I deh want tae bother ye when yer working." She says. "Janet please." I say a little more sternly. "Ok I'll find a crew member and ask them tae get ye." She says. "Thank you. I should only be a few more hours then we can go home." I tell her and give her a kiss before heading to set luckily I had a spare pair of jeans that go with the outfit to wear.

Janet's POV

I tried tae get some sleep but the bed was tae soft so I am now laying on the floor next tae the bed with a blanket and pillow. I ken Scarlett is worried about my sleep. I thought I hid it well but I guess I was wrong. She can see right through me. She's been able tae dae that ever since we met. I deh ken how long I layed there till I woke up tae Scarlett telling me it was time tae go home.

Scarlett's POV

I walk up to my trailer and see all the lights off except a lamp in the living area. I walk in and don't see her on the bed but on the floor next to it. Good thing we have those cots at home. I collect all my things as quietly as I can before I collect hers too and put them in her bag because I want her to get as much sleep as she can even if it breaks my heart seeing her on the floor. "Hey Baby wake up." I say softly rubbing her shoulder. "The bed was tae soft." She chuckles as she sits up. "We'll set up the cots at home." I say. "Ye deh have tae sleep on the cot Scarlett." She says and I just give her a soft smile because she knows I won't let her sleep alone. "Ye are gonna sleep on a cot with me arenae ye?" She asks. "Yep." I say popping the 'p'. "Come on honey it's late. I have tomorrow off and I was thinking of a beach day." I say. "I love it." She smiles pulling me in for a kiss as she grabs her bag.

We get to the house and as always Jan opens the door for me and the first thing we hear is my dad talking trying to calm Riley. "I know I'm not your Mum but please. Just go to sleep. Um, I know Loch Lomond. By yon bonnie banks and by yon bonnie braes, Where  the sun shines bright on Loch Lomond, Where  we two have passed so many blithesome days, On the bonnie, bonnie banks of Loch Lomond." Dad sings with his thick Danish accent. "Oy no ye arenae allowed tae sing Scottish songs if ye are going tae sing with that thick Danish accent." Jan says semi serious. "Thank god you're home I can't get her to sleep. Melanie was able to get Claire to bed but Claire refuses to let Melanie go so I came down here so as not to disturb them because they are asleep and they actually look really cute. It reminds me of Scarlett when she was little and would come to our room to cuddle." Dad says reminiscing a little. "Here hand her here." Jan says and takes Riley. "I thought I told ye tae listen tae yer Grandpa Karsten and be good." Jan jokes to Riley who has calmed down by just being in Jan's arms. "Wee one it's midnight so it's time for ye tae sleep ok. Mummy won't leave ye if that's what's wrong." Jan says. "I'll go check on Claire and Mom." I say and Jan nods and kisses my head as I pass her.

Janet's POV

"Papa Karsten ye ken I was joking about ye singing Scottish songs right?" I ask now, holding a sleeping Riley. "Yeah I figured as much." He says. "You know seeing Claire snuggled up with Mel reminded me of Scarlett when she was little." He says. "Oh, does she really look that much like Scarlett at that age?" I ask. "Yes she really does. Can I be honest with you Janet?" He asks. "I would prefer ye be honest than lie." I tell him. "When Scarlett first told me about you I knew. I just knew she had found the one. I know I gave you a hard time when we met but you know I had to be the intimidating dad you know. But I didn't need to meet you to know that you were it for my little girl. I mean the way she smiled just talking about you, the way you protected her even though you didn't know her the night you two met. Janet I knew you would become part of the family. I didn't know it would be so quick but I knew." He says and we both tear up. "I'm so happy she went tae Nessie's Tavern that night. Because when I laid eyes on her I thought I had died and gone tae heaven. I kent then and there that she would be my wife someday." I laugh softly. "You were meant for each other. You treat her right and that's all a father could ask for is that his kids are happy and she is." He says. "I will always make her happy for as long as she lets me." I tell him. "I know you will. Goodnight Janet it's late. I'm exhausted. I'll see you tomorrow." He says and places a kiss on Riley's hairline and mine as well before going tae the guest room he is using.

A/N: Awww cute. Anygays see you in the next one. 

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