Chapter #19

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Chapter #19

Oct 28th 2008

Scarlett's POV

"Claire mo Aingeal I'm happy ye can walk but dae ye have tae jump on Mummy's back." I woke up to Janet's fake groan. "I hungwy." She says. I know Jan can get her to move or tell Claire to stop but the first time Claire did this when Claire wasn't within earshot Jan said she thought it felt nice on her scars like a massage. "Ok jump right here. Then we can wake Mommy and make breakfast together." She says pointing to her lower back. "Perfect ye can wake me like this every morning if ye want tae Aingeal." She sighs. "Ok now go give Mommy lots of kisses on her cheeks tae help her wake up." Jan says and I close my eyes not wanting to get caught but Claire saw my smile and pointed it out. "But she's up. She is smiwing." Claire says and instead of a kiss I get a tiny finger poking my face. "Fine I guess I'll just have to give you kisses." I say and pull her into me and pepper her face with kisses to which Jan joins in making Claire giggle. "I smell food." Claire growls and goes to run off the bed giving me a mini heart attack but Jan scoops her up before she falls and gets hurt. "Only your child would growl at the smell of food." I laugh. "Aye ye are mo nighean(My daughter)." Jan says to Claire. "Mo mhathair (My mother)." Claire says pointing to Jan. "Yer Gaelic is getting so good Aingeal I'm very proud." Jan says. Jan has been teaching her Gaelic while I teach her English. "Is my English good tae Mommy?" She asks, her little accent is so cute it's not as thick as Jan's but she says certain words with an accent and when she's upset she's got her moms accent. "Very." I say and she smiles. "Wait Claire, how did ye open the door?" Jan asks which is a good question since she isn't tall enough. "Gran." She shrugs. "Ah that must be who's cooking since my parents aren't here and Colleen is lazy." I laugh. "I miss Auntie Nessie." Claire pouts and I glare at my wife. "You didn't tell her to call my sister, Nessie did you?" I ask. "I was messing with yer sis one day I dinnae ken that Claire heard sorry. Claire, save Mummy." Jan says and runs out of the room Claire just laughs her adorable laugh at her Mom's antics. "Come on sweets, remember to hold Mommy's hand while we go down the stairs ok." I say as I help her off the bed. "I'm old enough Mommy." She says. "Claire, those stairs are wood and you are wearing footie pajamas you will hold my hand so you don't get hurt ok I know you are getting bigger but it's part of my job to make sure you don't get hurt." I say a little more firmly this time. "Ye say some words wrong Mommy." She giggles. "I do huh? What words do I say wrong?" I ask, trying not to laugh as we walk slowly down the stairs. Her legs aren't that big. "Well you say tae and deh wrong." She says. "Hmm well I'll try tae say them right." I say and she scrunches up her nose something she got from me. "No you can't dae it right." She laughs at my horrible attempt to use an accent.

Vanessa's POV

I only saw Janet the week she came home for Riley to be born so I am here to surprise them and if Janet calls me Nessie again hands will be thrown. I didn't even tell Scarlett I was coming, only Liam knows I'm heading out here and that may be because we are secretly seeing each other. I've been in Scotland for a week now but Liam and I wanted time to ourselves for a bit. I know the family but this is the first time I am going to be there not only as Scarlett's sister but we are telling the family about us. My family knows but Janet can be protective and so can Scarlett. "Are ye ready my love?" He asks as we pull into the drive. "

Scarlett's POV

We are all sitting around the table eating breakfast as Jan gives Riley a bottle. "I think Liam may have found himself a lass." Gran says. "Really? Ye cannae be talking about our Liam no woman would ever put up with him." Colleen says earning a clip around the ear from Gran. "I'll get it." I say when I hear the doorbell. "V? Oh my god Claire was just telling Jan and I how much she missed you." I hugged my older sister before giving my brother in law a hug. "Come in please. We are having breakfast Gran cooked." I say and I notice something is off with Liam. "Liam you ok?" I ask. "Deh kill me." He blurts out. "Why would I kill you?" I ask and V wraps her arm around his interlocking fingers. "JAN YOU OWE ME TWENTY POUNDS!" I shout with a big smile and Jan comes running with Riley close to her chest. "Ye ken where my wallet is." She says with a smile. "Why are ye yelling?" Gran scolds as we walk into the kitchen and then she sees how V and Liam are holding each other's hands. "Who asked who out?" Gran asks. "I asked him." Vanessa says. "Haha Melanie owes me twenty pounds." Gran cheers. "Auntie!" Claire says, making grabby hands standing in front of her. "Hi bubs. Your Mommy told me you missed me." Vanessa says as she picks her up and Claire nods and snuggles into her Aunt. "Liam, can I talk to you please?" I ask and bring him to the living room. "Liam I know you will never hurt my sister so when we rejoin them can we just pretend I gave you the protective sibling speech?" I chuckle. "They ken ye dinnae look." He says pointing behind me and I see everyone try and act like they weren't listening which makes me laugh.

A/N: Vanessa and Liam huh. Anygays see you in the next one

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