From Eve's Journal: March 26, 2030

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Oh, my dear and faithful journal...

I don't know how to do this. It's too much, and I don't know where to start. Pull even one of these threads, and you unravel the history of mankind.

I'm a stoner chick on a mountain, pushing 60, and I don't know how to do this.

What I do know:

In the beginning, God created a whole bunch of shit.

Worlds, species, things we have no clue about and wouldn't understand, spread out over a universe so vast, it appears to many of our best minds to be infinite.

And He did it, all of it, as Part One of a two-part divine plan.

Above all that we on this tiny spinning rock have seen or imagined, outside the fabric of our universe and all its quantum mysteries, there is God's true masterpiece: A paradise where the souls of all of his creations — every plant, every animal, every mammoth and microbe, dog and dragon, big-eyed gray and long-extinct giant — from every world that is or ever was — end up.

There they dwell, perfect reflections of God's love and wisdom and creative flair, freely sharing with each other their origin stories.

To Paradise they bring their proverbial cheeseburgers along with an unabridged historical account of their journeys to get there.

In Paradise, a.k.a. The Above, all the souls that have inhabited all the worlds in God's great universe, a.k.a. The Below, now eagerly exchange with each other the recipes, dad jokes, and pop culture crazes that defined their existences.

Adam and his wifey were never kicked out of the Garden of Eden for wanting to know about shit.

They, like everything that sprang from God's sometimes whimsical mind, were designed to be curious. Without curiosity no creature would evolve, and all creatures must evolve, spiritually, if not physically.

In The Below, things like, "Hey, I wonder what the insides of that thing that just fell out of that bird's coochie tastes like?" meant the difference between a thriving, growing human species and a bunch of hungry mouth-breathers. 

Banishing them from His paradise for being curious would be like not giving them eyes and then punishing them for tripping over the furniture.

And in The Above — in His crib, where everything exists in perfect balance as growing, thinking, playing, singing, building, delightfully unpredictable extensions of His omnipotent power, grace, knowledge, and, above all else, love — curiosity is the very essence of joie de vivre.

God doesn't punish. God doesn't condemn souls to burning pits. There is no cosmic Naughty Or Nice list.

But God does do do-overs.

Lots and lots and lots of do-overs.

They are an integral part of His grand design.

Not the flashy part. Not the supernova, aurora borealis, red-shifting, Big Bang part.

The Guff is the place where souls stay after one life on Earth ends and before they are reincarnated into another. It's ran like the administrative, accounting, and HR offices of a multidimensional assembly line. It's where the numbers are crunched, progress reports are presented, and epoch-ending decisions are made.

Some call it Purgatory, but despite what the church told medieval humans, you can't buy your way in and it doesn't provide a safe space from God's so-called "judgment."

Gabriel said that it's like humans in this epoch took bits and pieces of all they ever knew about their reason for existing, chucked it in a blender, and spread it like Marmite across the globe.

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