1 - Welcome to the Glade 🌳

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Your POV (Two hours before the Maze)

"Get her out of there!" a loud voice shouts. More banging is put upon the poor metal door of the weapons pantry. 

You were scouring the room for a gun. There were only old weapons in here, like sword and knives. Spears, too. You were skilled in all, but only a gun could get you out of WICKED alive.

The alarms were blaring. You could've escaped by now. But this one SILLY GUN IS NO WHERE TO BE FOUND-

A couple shots were fired on the door. More voices were outside. Panicking, you snatch six throwing knives and a ten-inch long switch blade.

Sticking the throwing knives in your weapon belt, you run to the door and kick it open. One guy was stuck under the door. You could see bullet dents in the door's face. You jump over the door and skid into a long hallway with flashing lights. 

Too bad you couldn't run too far without being shot. And in the leg, too.

You didn't black out. Pfft, you've handled worse than a bullet graze. 

"Oh, shoot..." You grumbled as three more guards rushed into the hallway. You stand up as fast as you could and pressed the button on your switchblade, flicking the blade open.

You throw a throwing knife in one of the guard's eyes. The second one fired another shot, which somehow missed you by a little inch. The third kicked your ribs painfully and held your wrist so you couldn't run.

The lights were dizzying. So was the burning pain in your calf. You punched the second guard in the nose, which broke it.

"Sedate her, NOW!"

You hate that voice. That old man. 

And you felt a three-inch needle being stabbed into your arm. Before you were knocked out, you use the rest of your strength in your other arm to throw a knife in Janson's direction. As you slump to a rest, you could see his blood on the floor.

'Take that, sucker.'

Your POV (Half an hour before the Maze)

You woke up on the floor. And it was moving. Metal bars were around all sides. A terrifying rattling sound mixed with metal-against-metal screeching was subtly heard. 

You felt a throbbing pain in your head. Your leg and arm as well. You sit up and look to your upper arm, where a bandage with dried blood soaked in it was. Your calf had a bandage around it.

Why were you bleeding? You had no idea. 

In your hand, a switchblade with blood on it lay, wrapped in bandages that were curled around your wrist. 

No idea about that, either.

You shakily stand up. Regaining the strength in your legs, you realize you were in a lift.

A noisy one.

Several crates were stacked in the lift. All of them had the stamp [SUPPLIES] on the lid.

You were dressed in a dark t-shirt and some black shorts. Why shorts out of all the clothes?! At least they went to your mid-thighs and not any higher. A weapon belt was around your waist, slightly slanted. A couple of small knives were tucked in there.

At least you weren't barefoot. You had simple runners on with black and gray accents. They were a little dirty.

You were not scared. Merely fascinated and confused. 

'My name is Y/n and I can heal people. I'm a magic doctor. That's all I know. Heh, why did I say it like that? I mean, I can regenerate people's limbs. Well, not that far. But I can't now.'

Bloody Bandages | Maze Runner x Reader x Minho | BOOK ONEWhere stories live. Discover now