2 - Tour 🏥 🔨 🪴 🥘

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Third person POV

The morning was quite frantic, if Newt described it. Everyone was on the lookout for the new Greenie. When everyone woke up in Homstead at the crack of dawn, the girl wasn't in her previous spot. 

Nick still told everyone to go do their jobs. Newt was in charge of looking for Y/n, since he was supposed to be doing her Tour. 

If he admitted it, he was worried for her. It's not likely she could get into the Maze unless she climbed a 100-foot wall, but anything's possible when you're awake in the middle of the night.

The Homestead, the Med Hut, the Gardens, the Blood House, the Slammer (who knows why she went there if she did), and the Kitchen was checked. 

Newt was roaming around in Deadheads, wondering the hell why Y/n would be here anyway. 

He approaches the graveyard and notices the h/c haired girl propped up against a tree, sitting. She was still sleeping. 

He runs his hands through his hair and relief and frustration. Newt walk towards her and roughly shakes her shoulder.

Your POV

You jolt awake and kick whoever it was in the shin with your heel.

"Bloody-... hell!" Newt grunted and clutched his shin.

You take a moment to shake the sleep out of your head, still surprised by his sudden appearance. "What time is it?"

"Time for you to get up." Newt mumbled, shaking the feeling off his leg. "That's gonna leave a bruise."

"Oh, sorry. I didn't know it was you." You smile sheepishly and stand up, combing your fingers through your hair. 

"Don't blame you." Newt sighs. "Get going. And it's about six in the morning."

"That's early."

"Not for us. C'mon." Newt drags you out of the forest.


You got yelled at by Alby, to put it in short, since Nick was busy somewhere in the Gardens. Newt interrupted him after a while and told him to lay off you. 

You didn't mean to give everyone a heart attack when you weren't in the Homestead, obviously.


First, Newt tells you all their slang for certain things. You could not imagine yourself saying those words as fluently as Gladers do, but you'll get used to it, Newt said. 


Newt shows you around the Glade and introduces the names of the buildings you explored last night.

"Behind the  Homestead is the Slammer, which is used as a kind of punishment for breaking rules."

"Am I gonna be put in the Slammer?"



"Over there's Map Room, where Runners plan out the Maze and where we store the maps of the Maze."

"Do Runners go into the Maze?"

"Exactly right. Sometimes, they stay in the Map Room for hours to make those maps."

"I guess the Map Room is self-explanatory."

He also told you about Grievers, which are deadly creatures in the Maze. Apparently, they can sting people. 


After the Tour, in which you got some of your questions answered, Newt explained all the jobs in the Glade.

Bloody Bandages | Maze Runner x Reader x Minho | BOOK ONEWhere stories live. Discover now