4 - Running 🏃💨

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Your POV

You were laying in your bed, staring at the ceiling. You should sleep. You're waking up early, running tomorrow.

Yeah, what's with that? What's so good about you to make you a Runner? It shouldn't be the fact that you found a new crossline, or the fact that you didn't die. Minho's just good at taking care of you. 

You wonder what Minho said to Nick and Alby.

Shifting slightly, you roll on your side to face the whole room. It was dark, the only light that existed here was the moonlight that shone through the little holes between the wood planks of the walls. 

Your gaze falls on tons of bodies, and you think about their names. You didn't know everybody in the Glade yet. And they didn't know you had powers.

Your powers. You hook the thin collar around your neck with a finger and tug on it. The space was so tight that you couldn't keep your finger there anymore, or you'll choke. 

'I have to tell them soon.' If you became a Med-Jack, your powers would be super useful. You haven't used them in a while though, and you'll have to 'warm up' to them.

You roll on your other side so you're facing the wall. You shut your eyes. 

You couldn't stay a Runner forever. 1. You'll die. 2. You'll quit. 3. You tell about your powers, and they make you a Med-Jack. 4. A permanent injury.


You actually woke up without needing anybody to come shake you. I guess you're getting used to this Glader life.

Half the Gladers were awake. Your watch said it was 5:13, so you have enough time for breakfast.

The second you walk outside of the Homestead, Minho greets you with a grin.

"Heyyyyyyyy, N/n."

You nearly flinch at his sudden appearance. Nearly. "Hey."

"You're awake! And, man, I was gonna come get you." Minho gives you your backpack.

"I could've gotten the pack by myself." You take it anyway and sling it over one shoulder.

"Nooooo, because I have the key."

You walk to the kitchen, taking a small sandwich. Finishing it in two bites, you put your backpack on properly.

"Let's go to the Door." Minho runs off to the North Door. You follow him, fixing your hair in the process.



You repeated this routine everyday, with Minho all the time. Wake up, eat, get ready, run. You've gotten used to the running by now and Minho showed you the simple Section 8 routes for you to remember. 

It's been two weeks since you arrived, and one week and three days of being a Runner. You always ran with Minho, but today he was letting you go by yourself.

Bloody Bandages | Maze Runner x Reader x Minho | BOOK ONEWhere stories live. Discover now