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She finally finished gathering all her clothes but when she tried getting dressed, noticed that the strap of her bra was no longer attached from one side.
- rough ass.
She made her way back to the bathroom with it in hand.
- yah...
- what now, are you not done nagging at me yet woman? Goodness you are worst than my mother.
He snapped turning around to find her at the bathroom door.
- why are you so rough?
She said throwing the bra on his face.
- what are you talking about?
- you ruined my bra, that's what I'm talking about.
- I did not such thing, you undressed yourself, were you that drunk last night that you didn't realize?
- you are lying.
- darling, I don't lie, you took your clothes off, I even tried to stop you from doing so because I knew you were kind of tipsy but you were just out of it, or too desperate for my cock to be inside you.
- asshole.
- yeah, you have told me plenty of times, yet you love this asshole to fuck you silly.
- well I would never make that mistake again.
She said making her way through the place finally walking out the door.
- what is wrong with this woman?
Jungkook said leaning his arms on the bathroom sink.
- what have I gotten myself into?

Jungkook did his daily workout, after that he washed up and walked out the door, having some errands to run before having to make it back to get some rest for the night ahead.
He went to get an oil change for his car, but after that he stopped by the mall looking for something specifically.

Y/n made it home, wanting to throw herself from the highest building.
- am I that out of control when it comes to this man?
She said beating herself for the way that she has being acting around Jungkook since they met.

Later on that night y/n was the last one to show up to the bar, all the guys were already there.
- good evening guys.
She said as she made her way through the door.
- y/n!!!
Eunwoo said with happiness.
- hello Eunwoo.
Soon enough the place was opened for business, she would not give Jungkook but small glances without him knowing, or so she thought, he could feel her gaze on him.
He smiled briefly, moving close enough whenever he was behind her he made sure that his body grazed hers, she froze at the contact.
- my apologies, it was an accident.
He said softly in her ear.
- it's ok.
She managed to speak out loud.
Suddenly a delivery guy pops up to the door.
- good evening, I have a delivery for miss y/n.
The delivery guy said to Eunwoo, who was at the door.
- there is too much people in there, is it ok if I leave with you?
He asked the two guys at the entrance.
- of course you can, we can make sure she gets it.
Mingyu said to the man, who smile with relief.
- can you sign here for me please?
He asked handing Eunwoo the hand held device.
- of course.
After signing Eunwoo, walked inside.
- what the heck?
Y/n said when she saw Eunwoo walking towards the bar with a rose and a package in his hands.
- this is for you little girl.
Eunwoo said placing in on the back counter.
- for me?
- yep, someone just delivered it, he said it was too much people inside, so he asked if he could leave it with us.
- does it say from who it is?
- nope, no note whatsoever.
- that is so weird.
- are you sure you aren't dating?
- I am sure.
She said but kept on working.
- should I be jealous?
Jungkook whispered in her ear when me moved closer to grab the bottle opener.
- jealous?
She repeated giving him a dead glare.
- I don't see why, we aren't anything.
- so you say, but your body says otherwise, whenever I'm inside you.
He mumbled once he walked back to his spot.
Ten o' clock made it sooner than she had would like it.
- ladies first.
Jungkook said motioning for her to get on the counter top.
- we are here.
Mingyu said quickly making his way up.
- come on darling.
He said extending his hand towards her.
- thank you, such a gentleman.
She gives Mingyu a smile as she make her way up.
- I'm skipping this one tonight guys, you have y/n to join you so I'll stay serving the drinks.
- you can't do that, that's cheating.
She retorted.
- how am I cheating y/n?
- well, you are their favorite part.
She said earning a grin from him.
- not only me darling they love them too.
He assured her while pointing at the other boys.
- and now the gentlemen have you.
- what the heck?
She said softly before they get lost in the dancing.
As the guys and y/n put up their performance for the customers, Jungkook kept taking care of the ones that were still ordering drinks, throwing glances up towards where y/n was dancing between Eunwoo and Hyungwon, her smile so bright it blinded him, he shook his head forcing his gaze to get back where it need it to be, he turned his head backwards to the rose and the package, he grinned even harder.
Y/n was working on getting back to the ground first, Jungkook lifted his arms towards her.
- come on troublemaker.
He said, she looked at him hesitant for a short second but...
- come on there is lots of customers to take care of.
She allowed him to bring her back down to the floor.
- thank you sir.
She said with a smile.
- my pleasure.
They went back to work, the place was packed, so there was no time to talk, almost no time to breathe.

- alright, we only had one more night before we get to enjoy some days off.
Hyungwon said as he slung his messenger bag with his laptop across his shoulders.
- see you tonight lady and gents.
- good night friend, drive safely.
Jungkook said squeezing his shoulder.
- you too, get some rest, you look exhausted.
Hyungwon said back while reaching for Jungkook's neck giving it a soft squeeze.
- I will.
- good night Hyungwoni.
Y/n said as she made her way back up front towards the bar.
- you too love, good night you two wherever you are!!!
He said out loud for Mingyu and Eunwoo that weren't around.
- we are here bro.
The two said coming from the back as well.
Soon enough it was only Jungkook and y/n left as usual.
- you can head out first y/n.
- are we going to have this conversation every night JK?
- we are done, so I'm just telling you that you can head out first, I just have to turn the lights off.
- are you sure?
- yes, I am, don't forget the present that your secret admirer sent you.
- I almost forgot honestly.
She said walking behind the bar to grab the flower and the package.
- I wonder who sent me this.
- I do too, you can open it at home, without any witnesses.
- I'm not close enough to anyone to get anything like this.
- well, you did, so come on let's go.
He said making his way to the door.

She walked in front of him, when they were both outside he activated the security system

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She walked in front of him, when they were both outside he activated the security system.
- well, have a good night darling, see you tonight.
- good night Jungkook.
He looked at her for a second debating himself.
- would you like for me to walk home with you, so you won't go alone? Nothing behind the question besides making sure you get home safely.
- (sigh)
She felt awful for the way things went between them this morning.
- I apologize for the way I acted yesterday morning at your house, all this is very new to me so I don't know how to act or what to do nor say.
- there is no need to apologize y/n, like I told you before we are both adults and know what we are doing.
- still, I didn't treat you the best.
- I'm not upset, that's how friends treat each other, have you forgotten how we treat each other.
He said pointing his finger towards the bar behind them.
- no I have, but you guys know each other since you wet kids.
She said with a blank face.

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